Chapter Twenty- Six- Heartbreak

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Wow. It has actually been 7 years since I even touched this book. I know what you're all thinking and yes I will be continuing this story. Recently I read all of Someone Like You and all of  Never Going To Be You (SLY was extremely hard to read with lots of spelling mistakes which I will need to fix at some point).
After I finished reading up to chapter 25 of this book- I realised I really wanted to read the rest. 
Life is extremely busy but I have a new passion to finish this book. 
Once I started writing, I really got into the flow of the characters again like they have always been apart of me. I didn't realise it was going to be so easy to write again. 
I hope you enjoy reading again as I slowly update. 
All the best, 
Kirstie x


My father walked out on me. I remember that night vividly.

It was a year ago. I've always been a light sleeper. The particular noise of my father's boots on the stairs was a familiar one. Usually that noise meant that he was coming home from work but on a Saturday night? That was a strange noise at that time.

I sneaked to the staircase and watched as my father picked up his bags downstairs and opened the front door to another woman. She had bright blonde hair and big white teeth. She hugged him cheerfully and jumped with joy.
I watched the lady take one of the bags and he kissed her on the cheek with a smile. He gave one last glance at his home. His eyes landed on me and the expression on his face changed to a grimace. My hands tightened on the rails and my mouth opened to yell his name but the door banged shut behind him. 

My mother cried for months. I remember the first words she spoke to me after weeks of torment. Her face red and puffy, "Never trust any man Samantha. Sooner or later they will leave you broken." 

Those words had haunted me. It was the reason why I created my rule. Once I figured out who the wrong type was compared to the right- I promised myself that I would never fall for a guy that would hurt me. 

So why would I spend all my savings on a guy who was destined to hurt me? 

Tyler Blake sat to the side of me. He was drinking his wine and watching me over the glass.
We were surrounded by flashing lights and blaring music from the speakers of a limo that was given to each couple. Blake hadn't spoken a word to me since getting inside. 

I was reminded of my first date with Blake where he had his arm around me as we slept on the limo floor. That felt like a lifetime ago.
I felt the pressure of Blake's eyes on me. I didn't know what to expect. His expression was blank.

Suddenly the limo came to a stop and the music cut off. My ears started to ring. 

I watched as Blake placed his wine glass down and leaned towards me. "So?" 

I swallowed my worry, "So what?" 

"So why did you spend all your money on me Stevens? Did you want me to all to yourself?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I was a stupid idiot who should have kept the money and saved for getting out of this town. Away from him and away from these feelings that I was slowly drowning in. Why couldn't I just let any other girl here with him?

I sighed. "I don't think you want me to answer that."

Something flashed in his eyes. I think it was pity. "Let's get this over and done with."

I followed him out of the limo and noticed that there was a line of limos all behind us. People were scattered at the park – the bachelors with the women who had won their hand. I could also faintly distinguish picnic rugs laid on the grass and picnic baskets. Instead of going towards where everyone else was situated- Blake decided to lead us towards the trees. I trailed behind him and watched as the picnic basket knocked against his legs. He was holding onto the basket tightly and his shoulders were placed in a tense stance. It was as though each breath here caused him deep pain.

Never Going To Be You (A Sequel To SLY)Where stories live. Discover now