Chapter 1

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Maddison resisted the urge to punch someone in the face as she made her way to her next class because of all the people that were walking way too slowly, pushing and shoving her roughly. Finally she pulled herself out of the crowd, loudly sighing out of relief, it was the second period of the day and she already wanted to go home. She had an elective first and now she was currently going walking into her history class, as she walked through the door of the classroom glad that the noise of rowdy students fading behind her.

Maddison's eyes landed on her friends sitting in the back of the classroom, she walked over to them pulling out a chair at the end of the row. Dumping her folder down on the table and plopping herself down on a chair and sighing again.

"What took you so long?" Felicity chuckled from beside Maddison.

"I swear slow walkers are going to be the death of me." Maddison replied back with a smile as well, getting her pencil case out of her bag and then dumping her bag on the floor just as the teacher walked into the room and the class silenced.

Mr Holland cleared his throat causing the few students on their phones to look up and quickly turn their phone off in fear of getting it taken off them. Mr Holland would be one of those teachers that you could call boring. He was strict and his voice was so monotonous, and he just babbled on about bullshit for the whole time and it was especially annoying when you were trying to write bullshit down well that was Maddison's opinion and Maddison was pretty sure her friends shared the same opinion.

There was a sudden knock on the door which made Maddison come out of her trance of ignorance towards the teacher and look expectantly at the teacher as he headed towards the door to open it, still talking bullshit that Maddison had expertly learnt to ignore, especially with what she had to deal with at home on a regular basis.

When the teacher opened the door it revealed a boy who looked the same age as Maddison and her peers, and Maddison found him kinda cute compared to the rest of the boys at her school that were about as attractive as a mushroom if not less and they were the biggest jerks as well.

"Can I help you?" Mr Holland asks the dark haired, dark eyed boy.

"I'm in your class. I'm new here."

This interested Maddison and she got a subtle nudge from Felicity and she knew exactly what she meant by it. Maddison looked at her out of the corner of her eye and gave a smile.

"What's your name?"

"Daniel Moore."

"Ok, Daniel go take a seat next to Max, just over there please." The teacher pointed right over to Maddison although he wasn't pointing at Maddison he was pointing at the seat in front of her.

Maddison felt happy that the new boy was sitting in front of her as it would give her more time to be able to subtly check him out and she knew Felicity would be doing the same.

"Oi Maddi are you still coming today?" Deliah asks from beside Felicity as Madison quickly turns her head to the side hoping her friends hadn't noticed her staring at the back of the new boys head.

Before Maddison could even begin to reply to the question she was asked, the new kid, Daniel turned around butting into the girl's conversation and replied, "I'm coming where we are going?" Felicity, Delilah's Maddison's and even Ruby's head at the end of the row all turn their attention to the boy.

"Excuse me?" Delilah asks slightly unsure whether she heard the boy right.

"You've been excused." Daniel replies with a trace of a smirk on his face, "but honestly where are we going I sorta need to know before me and my fabulousness comes along."

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