Chapter 5

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Madison was seated next to her friends on this fine Monday morning feeling fantastic. Actually that was a lie, Madison was indeed seated next to her friends, but it was a Monday so it sucked and it was a morning so that sucked even more.

Madison checked the time on her phone, 8:28am. She was dreading the bell ringing, but at the same time she also wanted it to hurry up and ring so she could get the day over and go home and nap.

Soon enough Madison was getting up, laughing with her friends as she walked off to class at 8:30. Madison parted ways with most of her friends worst of luck to walk into her maths class. She sat down her back against the wall and Ruby sitting down next to her. Madison looked towards the back of the class when she heard a large group of people laugh. Her eyes automatically landing on Daniel, and Madison was surprised to see he was already looking at her.

Madison narrowed her eyes at Daniel, but she wasn't sure why she did it, instinct maybe? In return Daniel just raised an eyebrow, but Madison's attention towards Daniel was taken away when she felt something small hit her in her shoulder.

She looked at Ruby and then down at the pen that landed on her lap, "yes Ruby?"

"You zoned out and weren't listening to me, so I needed to get your attention because I need to tell you something."

Madison picked up the pen gently chucking it back on Ruby's desk right next to her own. "Ok, well tell me." Although Madison's sentence was a bit abrupt she started to feel generally curious about what Ruby was about to say.

"So Saturday night, after the group chat died down, I was just scrolling through Facebook and guess who texted me." Ruby said happily.

As Madison listened to Ruby speak she reached down to her open bag and grabbed out her drink bottle, taking a sip before responding, "Who?"

Madison took another sip from her drink when Ruby replied with "Daniel," making Madison choke on her drink, not necessarily all because of what Ruby had said, but because she was just Madison.

"Wow that was unexpected." Madison says after a moment of regaining her breath.

"Tell me about it, it was exciting though, I mean he's cute, and he seems nice enough."

"Just be careful please Rubes, he does seem nice but it could be an act, he seems like a bit of a player."

Madison didn't know how to feel about the new news, she doesn't feel jealous, for that she would have to feel something towards him. Madison although did feel something, she wasn't sure what it was though, maybe it was betrayal because of what that days events had held of them together. Madison wasn't going to linger over it though because she knew what Daniel was like.

Ruby nodded her head now noticing that the teacher had arrived but it was a sub, meaning that because their normal teacher wasn't there, the class wouldn't do any work and probably end up either a loud mess of private conversations or playing a game like chances or some shit all together.


They ended up playing chances and even though most of the class never did the dares that they were supposed to. Madison was dared to throw a chair out the window and scream that she hates school, but she couldn't, Ruby was also dared to kiss Daniel, by someone else in the class but Madison and Ruby weren't stupid, they knew Daniel had told him to. However it was all still entertaining.

The rest of the school day passed by quickly and soon enough Madison and her friends were seated in science, waiting for their slightly creepy teacher who always made sexual jokes at the most inappropriate times and wore his shorts too high and did creepy shit. Delilah once said that she thought he looked like Randall from Monsters Inc.

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