Chapter 7

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Madison feels the bed shake slightly and groans in annoyance but doesn't attempt to move a muscle. The bed shakes harder and as she can hear a voice the pounding in her head becomes very obvious. The voice louder this time she recognises as her mothers, "Madison get up, we have guests coming over in 15 minutes so get up and get dressed." This made Madison groan even louder and she could hear Delilah who had also been woken up by the noise groan from her place on the mattress on the floor.

Madison made no effort to move even after she heard her mum huff and close the bedroom door. Madison remained in her stomach struggling to keep her eyes open, knowing that she should get up and get dressed and do what her mum has told her, and she would just 5 more minutes in bed wouldn't hurt.

5 more minutes turned into a lot longer seeing as though Madison had fallen asleep, again. Her mum this time shook her and wouldn't leave her room until Madison had sat up in bed. She could remember most of last night however after going inside with Delilah everything was blurry and she couldn't remember much of anything after that point and the pounding in her head made her want to curl up into a ball and never drink alcohol again, and she reached across to her dresser to have a drink out of her drink bottle seeing how dry her throat was.

She laid back in bed and picked up a pillow and threw it at Delilah to wake her up, to which Delilah mumbled some curse words under her breath and rolled over. Madison who was now on her phone scrolling through Instagram until she paused when she heard noise from downstairs and figured that whoever was coming over today was here. Madison vaguely remembers her mum talking to her dad the other day saying that they were having a BBQ with one of her old school friends, but at the time Madison just brushed it off and didn't take any notice.

Madison had her back facing the door and didn't move when she heard a knock on her door figuring it'd only be her mum, checking to see if she was awake. "Yes mum, I'm awake, I'll be down later!" At this Madison heard her door open and she rolled her eyes and inwardly groaned, still not bothering to move from her lying position and being on her phone.

"Uhh, I'm not your mum." At the sound of a boys voice, one which definitely wasn't her mums she sat bolt upright. Looking over to the source of the voice, regretting it when it hurt her head and once seeing who it was she wanted to bang her head against the wall.

As soon as Daniel recognised Madison a smirk came across his face. "Oh, don't you just look stunning this morning." Daniels eyes flickered down to her chest for a moment and Madison suddenly became aware that she was in a sports bra and short boxer shorts- something she normally sleep in but seeing as though Madison didn't even remember coming home she wasn't surprised she didn't know what she was wearing.

Madison quickly duvet up to cover her chest, trying to keep her voice as calm as possible she said, "what are you doing here."
"Well, you see my mum is friends with your mum and she invited us all over to have to BBQ with your family today."
You have got to be kidding me. "This is bullshit."
"Aww is someone always this grumpy in the morning or is it just the hangover that makes you like this." Daniel said with a fake pout walking halfway across Madison's room, his curious eyes looking around her room with interest.

"I'm not hungover" and as if predicting her next words Daniel open the blinds on the window blinding Madison, making her close her eyes and proving to Daniel that she did in fact have a hangover. "I know you'd have a hangover seeing how drunk you were at the party last night and how you nearly-"

"Can y'all shut the fuck up some of us are trying to sleep and you're being so loud and it's so early so go away." Delilah groggy voice came from the floor, startling Daniel but only making Madison roll her eyes, "it's nearly 11, D."

Delilah lifted her head an inch, eyes squinted, "My head hurts so much." It seemed realisation finally dawned on her and she sat up, her blonde hair all over the place and remnants of the makeup from last night smudged all over her face. "What did you say the time was?"

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