Meet Savannah

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Hello! My name is Emma. I am the writer of the story. I just wanted to let you know that this is my first fanfic so please, please, please don't judge. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my story!

Savannah was an angel, she was sent down from heaven to help people in the church that she worked in. She cleaned around the church and taught the little ones about their religion. Everyone loved her! She was sweet, kind, and caring. For Savannah, it was the same old schedule until today. Today, visitors came to the church. There were two of them. One was a young boy who looked about 13 years old with grayish blue hair and an eyepatch. The other visitor was a tall handsome young man with Raven black hair and red eyes who Savannah seemed to have her eye on. But something seemed strange about him. The same day, Savannah was dusting the shelves as usual when the older visitor started to approach her. So she turned around and smiled her beautiful smile and asked him "hello sir, is there anything I can help you with?" "Hello m'lady! Me and my young master were wondering if you would like to be a maid at the Phantomhive manner." Savannah was shocked, she had never been asked to work in such a large mansion in her whole angel life. So she  kept her cool and answered. "Oh my! What an honor! I would love to work for you and your young master!" She was so happy she could just sing. "Lovely! We will be going back to the manner in a couple of days, so it would be good to start packing. We also told your current boss that you will be working with us from now on." "Ok. Thank you very much! I will get packing right away!" So Savannah went to her room to start packing.

This was the first chapter! I hope you liked it. The second chapter will be out soon. I will try to write as much as possible so if it takes a while to publish my chapters, it is probably because of school and swimming practice. Thank you so much! ~Emma

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