A Pleasent Suprise

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Hello everyone!! Here is the sixth chapter of the story!! I'm so glad you guys like it! Some of you added this to your reading lists and it makes me feel so happy! Thank you so much! I hope you like this chapter! I'm sorry if all of the events are in the wrong order since Lizzy comes before the Jack the Ripper case. Anyways, enjoy!! ~Emma

It was after breakfast and time to investigate! Savannah was so excited to get started with her first investigation. Her and Sebastian were walking to the young master's study to go take him and themselves to the carriage that was waiting outside. "How long do you think we would be gone?" Savannah asked Sebastian. "Probably about and hour and a half. Why do you ask?" Savannah faced away from Sebastian and blushed. "Oh, I was just wondering. Wait. If we would be gone, who would look after the manner?" Sebastian chuckled. "I'm sure the others would have to look after the manner while we're gone. To be honest, I don't fully trust them either." Savannah giggles at Sebastian's response and took his hand in hers. "Don't think that way. I'm sure the manner would be fine by the time we get back. They also try their hardest to keep the manner in shape, so, I highly doubt they would ruin it." Sebastian smirked as they finally reached the two large doors to the young lord's study. Sebastian knocked "young master, we came to escort you to the carriage." Ciel soon replied. "Alright, come on in and we shall get going." After a couple of minuets, they finally made it outside to where the carriage was parked. Sebastian soon opened the door to help Ciel enter and sit down as he soon took Savannah's hand and helped her into the carriage as well. Savannah blushed and spoke up. "Thank you Sebastian. You're so kind."
"It was my pleasure, Savannah" Sebastian replied as he stepped inside the carriage and sat next to Savannah.

~time skip to the investigation site~

Ciel, Sebastian, and Savannah finally arrived at the investigation site. There was a woman who was face flat on the floor with a huge pile of blood surrounding her body. Savannah scrunched up her nose at the sight of the woman. "How grotesque. Why would somebody pull off such a thing?" Ciel nodded at her and spoke. "That's why we try to catch these kinds of people, Savannah. That way the world doesn't have crime. Now!" Ciel pointed at Sebastian and Savannah. "I want you two to look around the site while I speak with the Scotland Yard. If you find anything suspicious, tell me immediately. Do you understand?" Sebastian bows and Savannah curtsies. "Yes, my lord." They both said in unison as they left to go explore. Savannah was so happy to get some alone time with Sebastian. She hoped he would confess to her, but she thinks that the two of them would just be really good friends. BUT WAIT!! (The records play back like what it did in book of murder to when they kissed at the beginning of the story. XD) why would Sebastian be kissing her if she thought he only liked her as a friend. No, that can't be possible! I mean, that's what lovers do right? 'He must like me. I mean, he's kissed me once and we also peck each other on the lips once in a while. I should confess to him, but I need to find the right time. Let's not think about that now! We're working here! But still, he's just so handsome!' Savannah thought to herself as she sighed and placed a hand on the necklace that Sebastian gave her. Sebastian soon turned around to face Savannah. "Is everything alright, Savannah? You seem a bit flighty this morning."
"Oh! I'm so sorry! I was just thinking." Sebastian smirked. "And what would that be?" Sebastian cooed as he started walking closer to Savannah. Savannah turned red. "Uhm.... things?" Sebastian inched closer. "What 'things' were you thinking about?" Savannah was freaking out. As she was stuttering. "Uh... uhm... uhm"
"Was it me, Savannah?" Savannah couldn't lie. Lying wasn't her style. 'Oh, What am I going to do?! I guess I'll just admit it, then.' Savannah then got even redder and answered Sebastian quietly. "Yes" Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." Ugh! He really was a devil. Savannah spoke louder "yes, I was thinking of you, Sebastian."
"Why was it you were thinking of me?" Savannah paused for a moment an thought 'oh, what the hell!' She then quickly pressed her lips against Sebastian's and pulled away after a couple of seconds to see Sebastian with a look of shock on his face. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you like that! It just happened! Please don't h-" Sebastian cut Savannah off by pressing his lips against hers once more. Savannah closed her eyes. She was in complete bliss. They pulled away for air again as Sebastian pulled Savannah into a tight embrace and spoke. "I love you, Savannah. Even though you're an angel, you're not like any other angel I've known. You're different. You're beautiful, kind, and happy. Will you please do me the favor of being my partner?" Savannah hugged Sebastian tighter and replied to his sweet words. "I love you too, Sebastian. I would love to be your partner!" The two of them soon pulled away. "We better start gathering evidence. We haven't gotten anything done." Sebastian said as he kneeled down to look at the dead corpse. "Yes! Back to work!" Savannah joined Sebastian in gathering information for the case.


Sebastian and Savannah finally gathered enough information to give to master Ciel. But there was one thing that still lingered in Savannah's mind about her and her new partner. "Sebastian?"
"Yes, Savannah?"
"About our new relationship, what are we going to tell the young lord?"
"I might as well explain it to him tonight. I'm sure he won't mind. As long as we get work done, we'll be fine."
"Alright." The two new lovers soon met with their young master and told him every single detail about the body that they had found. Afterwards, the headed home to the manner.

~at the manner~

"Ugh! I'm exhausted. I'm craving something sweet." Ciel said as the three of them got to the two large doors to the entrance of the manner. "I shall make you tea right away, my lord." Sebastian said as he opened the door to reveal the manner covered in pink walls, streamers, and the servants looking like idiots. "What the devil is going on here?! What happened to my manner?!" Ciel screamed as Mey Rin came running with Bardroy and Finny following. "It was her!! She won't stop chasing us she's crazy!!" The three of them said in unison as Savannah raised an eyebrow. "Who is crazy?" She said as she heard someone's voice come from the kitchen. "Come back here! I want to make you cute!!" Out came running a young blonde girl chasing the servants around the room. She soon turned around at the sight of Ciel and almost exploded with joy. "CIEEEELLL! Look at you! You've gotten so much more handsome since the last time I saw you!" She squeezed Ciel to the point where he couldn't breathe. "Oh, Elizabeth! What a nice surprise. Why are you here?"
"I simply wanted to see you silly! And how many times have I told you! Call me Lizzy! Do you like the manner? I made it so much cuter don't you think?"
"Oh, uh... sure it does." Ciel said to Lizzy as Savannah leaned in and whispered into Sebastian's ear. "Who is she?"
"Lady Elizabeth is the master's betrothed."
"Yes. Since the young lord is a noble, he has to get engaged right when he was born, and since lady Elizabeth is a noble as well he has to marry her." Savannah nodded her head. "Aaaah I see." Lizzy soon turned around and looked at Savannah. "Ciel! Who's this? You never told me you got a new maid! Hello I'm Lizzy! What's you're name?" Savannah smiled warmly at Lizzy. "My name is Savannah. A pleasure to meet you, lady Elizabeth!" Lizzy giggled and hugged Savannah. "You are so pretty! Your eyes are so beautiful as well!"
"Oh my! Thank you very much! You are very beautiful as well my lady." Savannah said as she smiled. "Thank you, Savannah! That's so kind of you!"
"It was my pleasure, my lady" Savannah curtsied as Lizzy soon grabbed Ciel's hand. "Ciel! Now that the manner is all cute, why don't we have a ball!! I picked out the cutest outfit for you!" Ciel looked at Lizzy in shock as Savannah and Sebastian shared glances with each other. "Lizzy I-" Ciel began as Lizzy soon cut him off by grabbing Mey Rin's hand and running with her up the stairs. "Come on! I want to finish making you look cute for the ball tonight!" She giggled as Ciel practically screamed. "I said there was no ball!!!"

There we go! Sixth chapter. This one was a bit longer than the others but it managed. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Once again, thank you so much for adding my story to your reading lists. I get so happy when I get the notifications! Go ahead and feel free to leave some comments if you would like. You guys are awesome! Thank you so much! It means a lot to me! ~Emma :3

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