Getting to know her

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Hello everyone! It's me again. So this is the second chapter of my story. I don't think it's going to be as good as the first chapter but I will try my very hardest. I hope you enjoy! ~Emma

As Savannah was packing she was thinking about the handsome man she met earlier. In fact, something about him made her think that he wasn't mortal at all. As Savannah was thinking, her door opened revealing the man she was thinking about. "Hello m'lady. As I was talking to you earlier I realized that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sebastian, butler of the Phantomhives."
"It's very nice meeting you, Sebastian! My name is Savannah, soon to be maid at the Phantomhive manner." As Savannah introduced herself she starred deeply into Sebastian's beautiful Crimson eyes. She just couldn't take her eyes off of them. Soon enough, Sebastian spoke up. "M'lady, my master wants you to meet him down by the garden once you are done packing. He would like to get to know you." "Ok! I'll be down there as soon as possible, and you can just call me Savannah." "Ok, Savannah" Sebastian said as he smirked and left the room.

~time skip to the garden~

Savannah walked into the garden to se a little table set up with a young boy sitting there as well. "Hello, Savannah I'm glad you decided to become a maid at the Phantomhive manner. I am your new master Ciel Phantomhive." " Hello, Ciel its lovely to meet you too! It's my honor to work for you and Sebastian!" Savannah and Ciel talked, ate, and got to know each other a lot better. He liked her a lot and couldn't wait for her to work for him but Savannah just wanted to tell him one more thing. "Excuse me, Ciel is it okay if I tell you something about myself that is a secret?" "You may tell me anything Savannah." "Okay, I just wanted to tell you that I am an angel." Ciel was shocked but kept his cool. His butler was a demon after all so there was no difference really. "Savannah, I don't really mind that you're an angel because Sebastian is a demon." "A d-demon?!" "Yes, a demon. But I think you two would get along pretty well." Savannah just sat there and thought to herself 'well this is going to be interesting' as she continued to eat.

All done with the second chapter!! Hope you guys like it! You guys are probably wondering how Sebastian would react to her being an angel. It may be in the next chapter. Just keep reading if you want to know! Muahahahaha (I'm so lame) anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying so far and I also hope that everyone has/ had a lovely day! ~Emma

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