At the Manner

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Hello, everyone!! I'm sorry I haven't published the story in a while. I was a bit busy with moving and school and my Hetalia one shots. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! There is sort of a lot of time skips. I'm sorry if it's too much. Enjoy! ~Emma😊

It was already dark when Savannah got back to her room from the little picnic she just had with Ciel. She was fatigued and exited to go to her new home and job tomorrow but the one thing that gave her butterflies was that Sebastian was a demon. Just the thought of it gave her shivers down her spine. 'Does he know that I'm an angel? Will he even like me? Let alone would he even get along with me?' She sat in her bed thinking to herself until she drifted off into a deep slumber.


The sunlight beamed through the curtains as Savannah woke up. It was 6:30 am. Savannah was an early bird and loved to get up early. So she changed out of her night clothes and into her new Phantomhive maid dress that Ciel gave her before she left for the picnic. As Savannah stepped outside, there was a carriage waiting outside for her, Ciel, and Sebastian. "Good morning, Savannah. Did you sleep well?" Said Sebastian as he led Ciel into the carriage. "Yes. I actually had a lovely sleep! Thank you for asking." Ciel sat down in his seat and spoke up. "That's good. You'll have a long days work, Savannah. Sebastian, when we get to the manner, I want you to teach Savannah the basics of being a maid and that's an order." As Ciel finished speaking, a smirk started to tug at the corners of Sebastian's lips as he spoke the words "yes, my young lord." A light shade of pink dusted Savannah's cheeks as she watched Sebastian obey his master's orders. Soon the carriage took off and they were on their way to the manner.

~at the manner~

Savannah's mouth fell agape as she looked at the enormous mansion in front of her. Ciel chuckled a bit at Savannah "welcome to the Phantomhive manner, Savannah." Ciel said as he stepped out of the carriage. Sebastian offered his hand to Savannah as she took it and stepped off the carriage. Sebastian then kissed her hand lightly and spoke softly. "Follow me this way, Savannah" they both walked into the manner as Sebastian led Savannah to her room. "This is your room, Savannah. You will be sharing it with our other maid. Her name is Mey Rin. I'm sure the two of you would get along." "Thank you very much, Sebastian. This is beautiful. I'm looking forward to staying." She lightly curtsied. "I'm going to leave you by yourself for a little while so you can unpack your things. I will come back in half an hour so we can get started. Is that alright with you, Savannah?" "Yes, that sounds perfect! I will see you in half an hour." "Alright." Sebastian then bowed and left the room as he gave Savannah her privacy. After Sebastian left Savannah went right to unpacking her things. As she was unpacking her things she couldn't stop thinking about Sebastian. He was so handsome in her eyes. He was charming, sweet, caring, and mysterious. For a demon, he was very kind. Especially to an angel like Savannah. It's been 30 minuets. Sebastian then walked back into Savannah's room right on time. "Are you ready to get started, Savannah?" "Of course! I will always be ready." Sebastian then smirked and started to show her around the manner. They finally got to one of the big rooms and started to look around. "This is the music room, Savannah. This is where you can sing or play any instrument of your choice." "Oh my! This is lovely! What a lovely piano." She ran over to the piano and sat on the hutch right in front of it. Sebastian watched her, admiring her beauty as she sat on the piano hutch. He knew she was an angel but she was different. "The young master told me you were an angel. Is that true, Savannah?" Savannah got nervous. She didn't want to tell the truth but she had to. "Yes. He also told me you were a demon?" Sebastian walked up to Savannah and sat next to her on the hutch. "Yes, I am." "You probably hate my guts because I'm an angel huh?" Sebastian though for a moment. He actually liked Savannah. She was beautiful for an angel and never has he ever fallen for an angel in his life. "No, I don't hate you. Do you hate me?" He cupped Savannah's chin in his hand as he inched closer to her face. "No I don't. You are a handsome demon after all." Savannah's face grew redder by the second. That was the stupidest thing she has ever said. 'Great, Savannah. You probably offended him or scared him. He definitely hates you now' Savannah thought to herself as Sebastian finally spoke up. "I'd have to say the same to you too, Savannah." Sebastian leaned closer to her face while Savannah was in shock. She didn't think he would reply like that. So she figured she would play along with him. She as well inched her face closer to Sebastian's. They're lips getting closer by the second when suddenly "Sebastian!" The both of them jumped at the sound of the young master's voice yelling for Sebastian. Sebastian then stood up and bowed as he spoke "we can continue another time. Until then, I bid you farewell." Sebastian then left the room leaving Savannah a blushing mess.

So that was the third chapter! I hope you guys liked it! Once again I'm sorry I took a while to publish it. I will try to publish the next chapter as soon as I possibly can. My Japan X reader story will also be out soon just in case you guys are wondering. Savannah will also be meeting Mey Rin, Bard, and Finny in the next chapter! I hope you guys have/had a wonderful day! ~Emma☺️

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