New Friends

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Hello everyone!! Welcome to the fourth chapter! I hope you guys like the story so far. I'm sorry if the first two chapters are kind of short and that the third one was long. I'm gonna try and make them longer. So, I'm gonna shut up now and let all of you wonderful people read already XD. Enjoy! ~Emma

It's been about 10 minuets since Savannah has been sitting on the piano hutch blushing like mad from the previous event that happened between her and Sebastian. Savannah really liked Sebastian and Sebastian liked Savannah as well but Savannah didn't know. 'What am I doing? Sitting here and doing nothing! I should start tidying up this room at once.' Savannah thought to herself as she grabbed out some cleaning materials and started cleaning. For Savannah, it was rather boring cleaning in silence so she decided to sing a song. Savannah had a beautiful singing voice and everyone who she had sang to loved her singing. As Savannah was singing, her voice echoed through the halls to the kitchen where three other servants were cleaning. One was a female who had round glasses and reddish hair, the other one was a male with blonde hair with whiskers and a cigarette in his mouth, and the third one was a childish looking boy with blonde hair and greenish blue eyes with gardening clothes on. The three of them were talking when all of a sudden the older blonde male spoke up. "Ay? Do you guys hear that? That sounds like singing."
"Who do you think it is?" Said the younger blonde boy.
"I'm not sure but it sounds beautiful, yes it does!" Exclaimed the red haired maid.
"I heard we had a new maid! Maybe that's her singing right now!" The younger one said as he was jumping up and down excitedly.
"Well, let's go find her and introduce ourselves. That way it won't be awkward when we see her another time." Said the older blond one.
"I think that's a great idea!" Shouted the maid.
"Then let's go find her by following her voice." Exclaimed the young blonde.
"Yea! Let's go!" Said the older blonde as he pumped his fist on the air.


Savannah finally got done cleaning the music room and started to gather her things. As she was doing so, she heard the door open and saw three people walk in. The three servants the formed a line by standing side by side. "Hello!" They all said in unison.
"Hello! Do you three work here as well?" Asked Savannah as she walked towards the three of them.
"Why yes we do!" Said the maid as she gave Savannah a big smile. "I'm Mey Rin. This here is Bardroy." She pointed to the older looking man. "Ello! You can call me Bard" greeted Bardroy.
"And the little one here is Finny." Said the maid as she pointed to the younger male. "Hello! You're really pretty." Said Finny as he blushed.
"Thank you, Finny. I'm Savannah. It's such a pleasure meeting you three! But how exactly did you find me?"
"We heard you sing so we decided to find you by listening for your voice and say hello!" Exclaimed Bard as he went to scratch the back of his neck.
"Your singing is beautiful, Miss Savannah!" Said Finny.
"Thank you so much! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I didn't think I was that loud." Savannah flushed as she rubbed her arm.
"You were fine. It wasn't that much of a bother." Said Mey Rin with a smile on her face.
"Yea! It was actually quite relaxing." Blurted Bard. Savannah giggled as she talked to the three servants some more. She began to bond with them quite nicely and the three of them enjoyed her company. Savannah soon finished her work and headed to Master Ciel's study to check in for bed time. She knocked on the door lightly until she heard the words "come in!" She then opened the door and closed it to see her young master sitting in his study doing his paperwork. "Hello, Savannah. What brings you here?"
"Oh, I just wanted to let you know that I am all done with my work for today." She lightly curtsied.
"Well, is it okay if you could do me one more favor Savannah?"
"Anything, young master."
"Would you go down in the kitchen and accompany Sebastian with the dishes?" Savannah blushed at the thought of working with Sebastian. She then spoke up "of course, my young lord." She smiled softly and turned to walk out of the door. As she got to the door and started to walk out Ciel then spoke up once more "and Savannah?"
"Yes my lord?"
"I would also like you to accompany Sebastian on protecting me and keeping me safe as well as obeying my every order. Is that alright?"
Savannah then smiled at her young master's words and replied. "Of course, my young lord. I will stay by your side as well as Sebastian and protect you and keep you safe from danger. I promise. And I never ever break a promise."
"Good. I will see you tomorrow, Savannah."
"See you tomorrow!"

~time skip to doing the dishes w/ Sebby ;)~

Sebastian turned around as he saw Savannah walking into the kitchen to help. He smirked and spoke up "hello, Savannah. What brings you here?"
"The young master told me to accompany you with the dishes. Is that okay with you?"
"It's perfectly fine. In fact You were just the person I needed to see." Savannah sat there for a moment and spoke up "oh really? How come?"
"Me and the young master went to town and I found something that I think would suit you well."
"What would that be?" Said Savannah as she inched closer to Sebastian.
"This." Sebastian then pulled out a pearl necklace with a cat charm on it and put it around Savannah's neck. Savannah sat there in awe as she stared at the beautiful necklace that Sebastian gave her. "Sebastian, this is beautiful! You didn't have to do this for me."
"I had to do this for you. Think of it as a little welcoming present. This would also be a good time to finish something that we left off on."
Sebastian then lifted Savannah's chin with his thumb and pressed his lips against hers. Savannah  was shocked. She didn't think something like this would happen after she just met someone. Especially since Sebastian was a demon and all, she didn't think he would feel the same way she felt for him. But he did have feelings for her. Savannah then moved her lips in sync with Sebastian's and melted into the kiss. They soon broke for air as Savannah spoke. "Thank you for the necklace, Sebastian. That was so sweet of you to do all of this just for me."
She then embraced Sebastian into a hug.
"You're welcome, Savannah. I got it for you because I thought it would look lovely on such a beautiful angel like you." Savannah blushed as they continued their work. The both of them soon finished the dishes in a snap, said they're good nights and headed to they're rooms.

That was the fourth chapter! I hope you guys liked it. It took me a while to write this one cause my phone died in the middle of it. Gaahh! My phone is such a crap wad! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it! I hope everyone has/ had a good day! ~Emma

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