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Hey everyone! Thank you guys so much for 100 reads! I'm so happy! I'm glad you guys like the story. I'm working as hard as I can since I need to update my Hetalia Oneshots and my Mello story so I'm sorry if I haven't published in a while. I also put a little video at the top just in case you guys would like to watch it! 😊 All in all, let's get this chapter started!! WOOP WOOP! ~Emma

It was 5:30 in the morning. Savannah was up and getting ready for work so she wouldn't be late to help Sebastian wake up Master Ciel at 7:00. Once Savannah was dressed and prepared for work. She went down to the kitchen to help Sebastian prepare breakfast for the young lord. She knocked softly on the wooden door and spoke up. "Good morning, Sebastian!" Sebastian turned around and smiled softly at Savannah. "Good morning, Savannah! Did you sleep well?"
"Yes! I slept wonderful! How about you?"
"I slept good as well! Do you mind if I ask a favor?" Savannah smiled sweetly at Sebastian "of course! Anything."
"Would you be a doll and wake up Mey Rin, Bardroy, and Finny for me?"
"Mmhm! I'd be delighted to!" As Savannah was about to walk out the kitchen door, Sebastian kissed her on the cheek causing her to blush. "Thank you, Savannah." Savannah smiled and pecked Sebastian's lips. "You're very welcome, Sebastian." And with that, she left the kitchen to go wake up her fellow servants.


'Hmm. I wonder who I should wake up first. Ooh I know! I'll wake up Mey Rin since she shares a room with me and her room is the closest.' Savannah thought to herself as she walked down the hall to Her and Mey Rin's room. Once she got there she slowly opened the door and opened the curtains causing Mey Rin to rub her eyes and wake up. "rise and shine! It's time to wake up and start another wonderful day!" Savannah cheered as Mey Rin smiled and started to hop out of her bed and get ready to work. As Mey Rin was hopping out of bed, Savannah spoke up. "Mey Rin?" The red haired maid turned to face Savannah. "Yes Savannah?"
"Would you like to help me wake up Bard and Finny?" Mey Rin smiled and answered "of course! This is going to be fun, yes it will!" Savannah giggled at her response and replied "alright then. I'll be waiting outside and when you're done we can head to their room."
"Alright! I'll be out in a second!" Mey Rin then changed into her work clothes and they both headed to Bardroy and Finny's room to wake them. As they both arrived at the door, Savannah turned the knob and opened the door as they both walked in and Savannah whispered. "You can open the curtains and I'll wake them." Mey Rin nodded her head and went to open the curtains. Savannah soon shook the both of them softly and spoke. "Good morning you two! Did you sleep well?" Finny sat up and rubbed his eyes as he spoke. "I slept great Miss Savannah! How did you sleep?" Savannah smiled and replied "I slept wonderful, Finny! Thank you for asking. Now it's time to get dressed and get ready for work. If we're late, Master Ciel would be mad and so would Sebastian. We don't want that to happen, now do we?" Bard soon got up and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and Finny started to get dressed. Savannah soon walked out with Mey Rin following so she could go start her cleaning.

~breakfast time in the dining room~

Once Savannah was done waking up her friends and fellow employees she headed to the dining room to where her master was eating breakfast as Sebastian was standing by his side. As she entered the large room she curtsied and spoke up. "Good morning, young master. How did you sleep last night?" Ciel looked up at her, smiled and replied. "I slept very well. Thank you Savannah." Savannah smiled and soon stood next to Sebastian as she greeted him with a smile as well. Sebastian smirked back at her as he handed the young master the mail. "It seems that a letter from the queen has arrived, my lord." Said Sebastian as Savannah sat there with her mouth agape "a letter from the queen herself?" Ciel chuckled at Savannah's comment an answered her. "Yes, I am the queen's guard dog so she send me letters of investigations or help she needs." Savannah then nodded and proceeded to let Ciel read the letter. As he finished reading it, he soon spoke. "She said that there has been previous murders that killed people who were only prostitutes and removed their uterus." Savannah made a face of disgust "that's gruesome" Sebastian chuckled at her action and spoke up. "So when should we head out my lord?"
"We will head after breakfast. Savannah is also coming with since she has to accompany you In protecting me, Sebastian. Isn't that right, Savannah?" Savannah nodded in response to Ciel As Sebastian smirked and started to clean up the table, Savannah rushed to help him as they both left the room to wash the dishes. As they were walking, Savannah turned to Sebastian and spoke up. "You don't mind that I'm accompanying you with protecting the young lord?" Sebastian turned and pecked her lips. "Not at all. It's nice to have you help, Savannah." Savannah blushed "so what are we going to be doing exactly?" Sebastian smirked "I guess we'll have to see." Said Sebastian as they continued walking leaving Savannah in complete confusion.

That was chapter five! I hope you guys liked it! I have to say, I'm enjoying the story while writing it xD. I love writing this story and I hope you guys like reading it as well. Once again, thank you all for 100 reads! I feel great cause I'm like "wow! Ppl are actually reading my story."😂😂 anyways, I'm going to stop talking and let you guys go. I hope everyone has/had a wonderful day! ~Emma

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