Cross Dressing For Info

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Whassup peeps!! I'm so glad you guys like the story!! I was thinking about making this a series of books or whatever their called lol. So for every season of Black Butler, there will be a new book out for this series! Woooooo! I'm so excited! I think I'm gonna delete the OC book since I don't want to have a whole bunch of books to be working on. So anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!! ~Emma🖤

It was late after the ball. As Lizzy stepped in her carriage, she said her thank you(s) and headed off. The night was a success! Well, sort of. If you take out the crying and getting angry. Ciel, Sebastian, and Savannah stood at the front of the manner and waved Lizzy off. Ciel sighed and spoke "I'm tired. I'm going to head to bed. Sebastian, come with me and help me retire for the day. Savannah, you can tidy everything up. Once Sebastian is done getting me into bed, he will help you. Do you two understand?" Sebastian bowed and Savannah curtsied "yes my lord" they both said in unison. The three of them soon went inside and did whatever they had to do. Sebastian led Ciel up the stairs and into his room. Ciel sat on his bed as Sebastian picked out his pajamas. Sebastian took off Ciel's shoes as Ciel spoke "so, what do you think of Savannah?" Ciel smirked as Sebastian then moved to his shirt. "She is not like any other angel I've known." Ciel raised an eyebrow. "How come?"
"Angels usually don't act the way she does. They are usually lunatics, but Savannah is very kind and considerate. I don't think I would ever say this, but she deserves the title of an angel. She has all of the right traits." Ciel smirked and chuckled a bit. "I would never imagine you saying something like that, Sebastian" Sebastian smirked. "I'm just stating my opinion, My Lord"
Sebastian slipped on Ciel's nightwear and pulled the covers over him. "You seem to be getting along with her pretty well, Sebastian. Considering that I saw you two dancing earlier."
"Yes. It seems we are getting along" Sebastian chuckled. "I also saw her lean her head on your shoulder. Is there anything going on between you two that I should know of, Sebastian?" Ciel's smirk grew as Sebastian took the candle stick and turned his back towards Ciel, hiding the blush that tinted his face. "Yes, as it appears, we are partners." Sebastian turned his head to face Ciel and smirked. "I would never imagine something like that. A demon and an angel as partners. Well, if you're going to be partners, go ahead. Just don't let it interfere with your work. Do you understand?" Ciel said in a stern voice. "Yes my lord." Sebastian said as he left the room and headed down the stairs to help Savannah tidy up the manner.


Savannah just got done washing the dishes and headed back up to the dining room to clean the table cloth and napkins. As Savannah started to pull the table cloth off of the table, she saw a tall figure behind her and jumped. Once she realized who it was, she giggled a little and spoke up. "Sebastian! You scared me for a second there!" She smiled as she pulled the rest of the table cloth off of the table. "I didn't mean to scare you like that, but I must say, it was quite entertaining." Sebastian said chuckling with a smirk on his face. Savannah chuckled a bit before she spoke "How was it putting the Young Lord to sleep? Did he go to sleep alright?" Sebastian smiled. "Yes. In fact, the Young Lord figured out we were partners" Sebastian chuckled. Savannah smiled. "Did he, now?"
"Mmhm." Sebastian replied as he walked to the laundry room to wash the cloths. Savannah followed. "So, what did he say about our relationship?"
"He said that he doesn't care. As long as it doesn't interfere with our work." Sebastian looked over at Savannah and saw that she had a worried look on her face. He smiled as he took Savannah's hand in his. Savannah blushed as Sebastian kissed her cheek and whispered "it will be fine, Savannah. There's no need to be worried"
Savannah smiled at Sebastian "thank you, Sebastian." Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "For what?" Savannah took his hand and put it against her cheek. "Thank you for caring" Sebastian then leaned in and pecked her lips. Savannah leaned into Sebastian's hand and blushed. "I will always care for you, Savannah." Sebastian smiled at her as Savannah put the table cloth in the wash. "And I will always care for you too, Sebastian." Savannah turned towards Sebastian as her wings appeared behind her. She then flew to Sebastian's height and pecked his lips. "Well, that's it for tidying up. I'm going to retire for the night. Goodnight, Sebastian." Sebastian smirked. "Goodnight, Savannah" Savannah's wings disappeared as she walked gracefully to her room to retire for the night.

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