Truly Trustworthy

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Omg! Hello everyone! It's literally been ages since I've updated, and I am so, so, so sorry!! It's literally been a fat minute, and I'm hoping to maybe write some chapters in the future! I'll be starting school very soon, and I'll also have work, so it might be a little hard for me to update, but I'll try my best just for you guys cuz y'all are literally so sweet!! I'm really hoping you enjoy this chapter!! Thank you so much for being patient and I love you all!! ~Emma❤️

The door opened to reveal a mesmerizing and beautiful plethora of twirling dresses and people everywhere! The room was colorful, and the atmosphere was bright and cheerful. "Out of all the things we could have chosen to do, we chose to do this." Ciel said with a mope "cheer up , Young Master! It could be worse." Savannah chimed when Sebastian soon teased "or shall we call him mistress?" He said with a chuckle as Savannah playfully hit his arm and covered her mouth with her hand to help stifle a laugh. "Shut it!" Ciel said through his teeth. "As long as Lizzie isn't here, everything will be fine. It would be embarrassing for her to see me in.."
"OH THAT DRESS YOU'RE WEARING IS SO ADORABLE!!" A screech came from the other side of the ballroom as Ciel's face suddenly dropped in horror. Savannah and Sebastian then covered Ciel with their large bodies and continued to walk. "It's ok, Young Master- oh! I mean Mistress. Just keep walking!" Sebastian whispered "the bar! We can hide behind the bar!" Savannah pointed as the three of them crouch walked over to their destination. "That was close..." Sebastian said as Ciel spoke up. "Indeed. Luckily she didn't see me in this clothing. I still can't believe that I had to dress like this..."
"It was the only way we could get the attention of Lord Druitt, My Lord." Savannah said as Ciel chimed in "Speaking of Lord Druitt, we should be looking for him... where is he?"
"I see him, My Lord. He's alone right now... we should do something before someone talks to him!" Sebastian said and pointed to Lord Druitt as Ciel soon stood up. "I want the two of you to keep the guests entertained while I get his attention."
"Please be careful, Mistress!" Savannah said as her and Sebastian soon walked off to help entertain the guests. "So... any ideas on what we could do?" Sebastian said with a chuckle as Savannah turned to him with a warm smile. "I'm not exactly sure. Do you have any ideas, Sebastian?" Sebastian put his thumb and index finger to his chin "hmmm.. there is one idea I had in mind."


The closer Ciel got to to Lord Druitt, the more he was nervous about actually talking to him. The fact that he had to act as an innocent young girl made him sick, but it was for the good of the case. Ciel tapped Lord Druitt on the shoulder as the tall, blonde man turned around. His face was joyful and kind, but his aura was oddly suspicious.  "Oh my~ could it be that a beautiful robin wants to talk to me?~" Lord Druitt said as he walked closer to Ciel and kissed his hand "why hello there, My Beautiful Robin~ what brings you here?" He winked as Ciel shuddered a bit. "O-oh.. Uhm... I just wanted to talk to a handsome man such as yourself, Lord Druitt. Any young lady would die to be in your presence." Ciel batted his eyes and looked innocently into the eyes of Lord Druitt. "Oh~ what a sweet little thing you are~~~ how about something more.. entertaining?~" the Viscount snaked his hand over Ciel's tiny waist as Ciel shuddered in complete disgust. He suddenly kept his composure and replied. "Know of any other amusements? I'd be most interested!" The Viscount crouched down to Ciel's height level and replied. His voice almost in a whisper. "Why of course~ anything for you little robin. My sweet little thing.~" He soon led Ciel into a dark room. Everything soon became groggy and blurry as Ciel's tiny figure fell to the ground in a deep sleep.


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!!" Sebastian shouted to get the attention of the crowd. "We would like to quickly interrupt your ball for some more entertainment this evening!" The crowd looked around, confused for a moment when Savannah soon spoke up. "And that entertainment is... magic!" The crowd gasped as they saw a giant box roll into the room. Sebastian opened the doors to the giant box and spoke. "Now, as you see, right in front of you is this box. I am going to step inside this box, and my beautiful assistant..." Sebastian gestured his arm to Savannah as she blushed. "Will simply stab the box with these swords! But the real question is.. will I come out alive?" Sebastian raised his finger to his lips and winked as the crowd gasped once more. Stepping into the box, Sebastian shut the doors as Savannah grabbed the swords and forcefully stabbed the box with the many swords that were used. Murmurs from the crowd were heard as the doors slowly opened to reveal Sebastian stepping outside the box with a giant smile on his face. Not a single wound on his body. The crowd then cheered and hollered at the amazing magic trick as Sebastian and Savannah bowed. While bowing, Savannah looked over in the spot where Ciel was suppose to be and saw nobody. Her eyes widened in fear as she faked a smile, waved to the crowd, and dragged Sebastian into a corner. "Sebastian! The Young Master is gone!"

Hehehehe~~ I thought this would be a pretty good place to end! Again, I'm so thankful and happy that you guys enjoy this story!! I'm actually thinking of maybe starting a new one that would be a Haikyuu one hehehe so just lmk if you guys would maybe want a Haikyuu fanfic and I could work on getting that started!! I love you guys and I hope all is well!! Peace! ~Emma :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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