Flashback #3

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After Rick broke my heart, I met Phoenix, which is my BFF Alondra's baby bro.

Phoenix: Big hazel eyes, black straight hair,  kissable lips, tall, funny, caring, basketball player, hot, ladies man...

Obviously too much form me

Destiny (Me):  Normal size brown eyes, chess nut/blonde hair, curly/straight hair, thin/ thick lips, 5'3, skinny, glasses, basketball player, not much body...

Who would want to date a girl like me right?

So we actually became best friends, that's something...

Everything improved after this happened:

- Hey Destiny, I have to talk to you.

- Sure Alondra, what's up?

- Phoenix likes you!!!

- Don' lie to me like that. You know I hate it when you guys lie to me.

- I'm not kidding. I swear! In fact he didn't just say that he likes you... He said that he was going to ask you out, TODAY!!!

- No way! No way! No way! This is so amazing!!

Yeah that basically was the best day of my life, until:

- Hey Destiny, I wanted to help you with Phoenix.

- No. You always mess up things for me.

- Come on you are my best friend you are supposed to trust me.

- I'm sorry Mimi but I just don't trust you and I'm not going to risk loosing Phoenix...

- I'm going to try an d help you no matter what you say or do. (She murmured )


Later that day

Well, well. Phoenix and Destiny are alone on this corner. Since Destiny doesn't trust me, and doesn't want to be my friend anymore I'm going to destroy their chances of being together.

- Hi Phoenix!

- Do I know you?

- No. But you are about to. (Wink)

- Umm OK?...

- Hahah you're cute

- Thanks?

- You are welcome handsome...

- Mimi what the hell are you doing here!? (Said Destiny)

- Trying to spend some time with you hon

Yes! Destiny's furious. Now, to make sure she doesn't even think about messing with my feelings again...

- Wow Phoenix! You have a long strong one. (I graved his dick)

- Hey what the hell!? (Phoenix)

- I'm out of here... (Destiny left with tears of anger on her eyes)


Damn you Mimi!!! I  hate you so fucking much!

2 weeks later:

- Destiny... Phoenix likes Mimi. I'm so sorry. (Alondra)

- Damn! ( I start crying )

- Oh honey. Please don't cry...


Hi guys I just wanted to say that I would love if you guys commented on how you are liking the story. I didn't say this before but this is actually a real story, my story so if you guys don't like it that way just let me know. Love u guys!!! xoxo

- Naisel

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