They're gone

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Today is the day Phoenix and Alondra leave school and I might never see them again... Ok so this is what I'll do:

1- Steal a kiss from Phoenix

2- Give Alondra a friendship necklace

3- Make up a poem for them both

4- Go to a party with them

Yeah that should work but when I steal a kisss from Phoenix I'll explain myself.

Ok 4:45, party starts at 5 sooo, what am I going to wear? 

This is how I dresed: some black shorts, a black and white striped top, black heels, pink lipstick, some eyeliner and the necklace my grandma gave me before she passed away.

-Ok, I think I look fine

At the party:

-Hey Alondra! Wow u look great!

- Thnx u look nice too

Alondra was wearing a red top with a v neck with black jeans and red boot converse. And the necklace I gave to her...

- Hey Alondra were's your bby bro?

- I think he's with Abby

Of course he's with her...

- You're going to do it aren't you?

- Yeah... I am.

- Good luck girlfriend!

- Thnx hon

I'll need it...

Where the hell is Phoenix!? Oh there he is...  Deep breath, deep breath... You can do this, you can do this...

-Hi stranger.

-Hi Destiny, long time no see.

- Yeah really has been a while.

- Well u always avoided me so I just stopped trying

- Look Phoenix I'll be honest with u. I started avoiding u because I really like u and I know u  don't feel that way for me so it just kind of hurts to see u and stuff sorry if I hurt your feelings.

-It's cool... I mean I... I

- Yeah?

- I like you too! A lot but I can't be with u I'm sorry it's just... Alondra and I we're leaving town and well we might never see each other again.

- Oh... You guys are leaving? Wow I (CRYING)

- Please don't cry

- Sorry I'll hold it in. Phoenix I...

I locked my lips against his and I swear I think fireworks came out of my head. And the next thing I know we kissed for about a minute and he said to me "I love you Destiny". Everything was perfect, until...


-Abby! Babe I can explain

- Babe?

- Yeah babe I'm his GIRLFRIEND!

 - You asshole! Abby, keep him he's all yours...

I start tearing up.

- Destiny? Are you ok? What happened?

- Hey Jay, yeah I'm fine...

Jay is an old friend of mine who's actually one of the guys that like me. He has blue eyes, black hair and a honey tan. He's very cute...

- You don't look ok... Look Des I'm here for you, I always have and I'll always be.

- I know J, I know...

He starts getting closer and closer until, he kisses me and surprisingly it's the best kiss anyone has ever given me.

- Jay I...

- Look Des I like you a lot... You know that and you also know that I would never hurt you and I know that this is provably the worst moment for this but... Destiny would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?

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