New friends

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||👆🏽Twins above👆🏽||

It's been 2 months since I got out of the hospital. After the day I woke up, I haven't seen or talked to any of my friends.
Tomorrow I start school. But it's not the same one. My mom made me switch schools because I was causing to much trouble in that one.
I'm scared of this new school... I even moved away from Puerto Rico. Now I live in South Carolina, Florida. So I am never seeing my old friends again.
-My first day, I have to dress nice.
20 minutes later
-Honey let's go!
15 minutes later
-We're here...Honey please do not turn into that rebel you were at your last school. Please be a good student.
-We'll see mom
-At least try. Now go.
-Alright, bye mom, luv u!
-Love you too sweetie! Have fun!
So after the school caunsler showed me around and all that stuff, the bell rang and I was looking at the piece of paper where I wrote my classroom number when I triped on someone.
-Oh my gawd I am so sorry! Are you okay??
-It's ok, don't worry about it. Are you new?
-Yeah, I'm Destiny.
-Julian. And that knucklehead coming towards us is my twin brother Jovani.
-Bro are u ok? I saw u when u fell. Oh, hi, I'm Jovani.
-Nice to meet you Destiny. Bro we have to go. The biology test is supposed to start now.
-I'll go in a sec. Destiny's lost and I'll take her to her classroom. Just tell the teacher that I'll be there in 5.
-Fine. I'll see u around Destiny
With a wave, Jovani walks away to his classroom.
-So what's your first class?
-Calculus, room 36 B.
-I'll walk u there.
We talked while we were walking to my classroom. He's a very nice guy... And hot! I wonder if he's single?
-Here we are, room 36 B!
- Thanks Julian.
-No problem! Hey why don't you come and sit with me, my brother and my friends at lunch?
-Sure I'll see u guys there!
The morning clasess passed pretty fast and before I knew it, it was lunch time.
When I entered the cafeteria, Julian walked up to me and took me to their table. In his table there were 2 other guys besides his brother and him and 2 girls.
-Hey Julian! Who's the new girl? Asked one of the boys.
-I'm Destiny.
-Nice to meet you. I'm Mario.
-I'm Juwany but u can call me Geo
-I'm Karla and she's Ariel.
-Nice to meet you all.
-Are you going to sit with us every day?(Karla)
-I don't know...But maybe yeah.
-I hope you do because we need another girl in this squad (Ariel)
-In that case, I guess I will.
-Cool, now our squad will be much cooler. (Julian)
-Awwe thanks Julian
-Hey Des, sorry if I was a bit rude earlier. I didn't mean to be rude, it's just that I was a bit stressed about the test.(Jovani)
-Don't worry about it. I didn't even think that u were rude.
-So we cool?(Jovany)
-Of course silly!
We talked until the bell rang. They are all 16 and in 10th grade. Except for Karla and me. We're both 15 and in 9th grade. Turns out that Karla's in my next class and on the last.
After school the squad was going to starbucks to hang, and they invited me to come along. I said yes because my mom had to work for 2 extra hours today.
-Mum I'm going to starbucks with my new friends, pick me up when you're done working. Ily
-Ok sweetie. Be careful and behave. I'll pick u up at 7. Love you!
-Ok my mom said yes. Let's go!

Hanging out with these people is amazing! And turns out that they hang here everyday after school. Hope my mom let's me come everyday.
The weirdest thing is that I haven't thought about "The favorites" even once today... I guess that's good? Anyway I'm glad to call these people my new friends.

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