Stressed Out

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- I don't know Destiny... I mean, I want us to stay together but it's a really big risk ( Jay)

- Come on Jay don't be such a baby! It's a great idea! ( Alondra )

- Count me in I guess. ( Faviola )

- I'm in... ( Ally )

- Jay??

- Fine! I'm in...

- We just have to tell the others.

I talked everybody into it, even Phoenix. And they all agreed, we had a meeting about where we would go and when. We're going to Los Angeles on next Friday... About the money and transportation... Well we decided to take all of our savings ( $15,000 all together) and our credit cards ( mine had $10,000) about transportation we decided to take my uncles van and the car of Alondra's mom.

Next Friday

- Ian hurry up! The plane leaves in 2 hours and you're driving 10 mph!

- Relax! We'll get there in 20 minutes. ( Ian )

- That's what you said 20 minutes ago

- This time I mean it. Last time was to shut you up... ( Ian )

- Jackass..

2 months later 

Everything's going great! Me and Phoenix made up by the way. Now we're a couple... Jay is a little heartbroken tough... Anyway, we rented an apartment big enough for all of us, the guys got jobs and we the girls take care of the house and the cooking.

Wednesday night

- Destiny!

- Babe? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be working 

- I finished early tonight... Where's everyone?

-  The guys are still working and the girls are out with their boyfriends, your sister is out for a walk she'll be back in about 2 hours.

- So we have the house to ourselves for 2 hours?

- Yeah why?

- I want to have

- What?


He started tickling me, then we watched a movie  then went to bed...

Next morning

Phoenix is still sleeping, he looks so cute when he's sleeping.

- Hey guys!

-Hey ( They chorus in a sad tone )

- What's wrong ? Why the long faces?

- We have to go back ( Jay )

-  We lost our jobs and the only money we have left isn't enough for the rent and food. ( Ian )

- Oh... Damn it!

- Let's just get our stuff  ( Alondra )

Shit just when things were looking up this happened

5 hours later

- Is everyone ready to go? ( Faviola )

- No but let's do it anyway...

We called our families and explained everything. They were going to wait for us at the airport.

- Destiny?

- Yes babe?

- We should break up

- What!? Why!?

- Were going to be separated by our schools and our parents. I'm pretty sure that we're grounded until we die.

- Yeah but we can work out a distance relationship.

- We could but it would kill me not being able to see you.

- Yeah me too

- So I guess it's over?

- Yeah it is...

We hugged each other crying and we didn't let go until we arrived.

- Mom I... I'm sorry.

- Get in the damn car.

Shit I'm dead!

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