Chapter 1

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The large automatic door open and I let out a breath of relief. The flight went through some turbulence, but it was okay. I feel a gnawl at the pit of my stomach due to my nauseousness while I was in the plane. I'm carrying my baggage trolley with me and I look down to it to see that I brought just enough things for the two weeks I'm staying here. My eyes travel to the people surrounding me until they meet some familiar faces.

Dad is waving at me and mom seem to be wiping her tears with a tissue. I can't seem to stop smiling. I missed them. Pacing my step, I walk up to them. Mom is the first one to hug me. She held me tightly, pressing her bracelet against my spine.

"Tyler," She smiles and lets me go. "I missed you so much." Her eyes are red from the crying. No matter how much time passes, mom will always look gorgeous. Her brown hair is up in an elegant bun and she looks so young even though some time has passed since I last saw her.

"Son," Dad says. He has never the kind of person to cry in public, but I sense that he has been trying to hold back the tears. "You aren't the same boy who left Sacramento some years ago," He laughs and I do the same.

"I sure hope so," I whisper more to myself than to him.

We walk up to the parking lot where the car is and dad helps me to put the bags in the trunk.

"Aiden stayed home taking care of Angela," Mom tells me. Aiden is dating Angela for three years now and they seem to be the perfect couple. At first, mom didn't seem to like her very much because he spent the whole day with his girlfriend and kind of forgot about her but now, everything's fine between them.

"The wedding will be in a week," mom announces and I nod in agreement. "Isabella is so excited for her wedding day. She will be such a beautiful bride." Mom sighs, probably remembering the day of her own marriage.

"What about... What about Stephanie?" The question leaves my mouth before I can even dare to think.

"Stephanie arrived some days ago. She looks so gorgeous, Tyler. You just have to see it yourself." Mom says.

"I wouldn't ever doubt that," I whisper to myself.

Mom looks at me through the mirror reflection and lets out one more smile. "It just feels so good to have the whole family reunited again," She chirps and dad nods in agreement.

Some minutes later, dad parks the car in front of the house. I get out of the car and a feeling of familiarity hits me. The house looks exactly the same, except much neater. Everything is exactly like it was some years ago. Dad takes the baggage out of the trunk and opens the main door.

Aiden is sitting down in the couch and Angela is sitting beside me. I laugh when I see that the both of them are playing Call Of Duty. Some things just never change.

"Yo, little brother." He says as soon as he sees me. He walks towards me and picks me up from the floor. I hit his back playfully and he lets me down. "Hum, little brother is on shape, isn't he?" He laughs and I shake my head when I realize that Aiden is Aiden and he will never grow up.

"Hello to you too, Aiden." I hug him.

"Get ready for some unforgettable weeks here at CA!" He shouts and I roll my eyes.

"Hey, Angela." I greet her. She smiles and greets me back. "I hope you've got used to my brother's immaturity," I laugh.

"It's been three years, so yeah, I guess I have." She chuckles.

After an hour of talking, mom leads me up to my old room. Everyhting is exactly like it was before. My bed is neat and it smells like lavender cologne in here. I sit in my bed and put my bags in the floor. I take one more glance around the room and open the small cabinet in my desk that is placed right next to the bed.

There's old books, school papers and even my first driver's license. But something calls my attention. It's a yellow envelope. I open it up and see that there's pictures in it. Something inside me aches when I see those pictures. It's pictures with me and Stephanie. The one on our first day of high school, when we went to the zoo and a whole other bunch of them.

"You never really forgot her, did you?" A voice coming from behind me asks. I twist my head back and look at Aiden, leaning against the door.

"I couldn't forget her even if I tried," I run my hand through my hair and can't help to feel pathetic about my response.


Eek! First chapter! I'm so excited, people of the world. Don't hope for 20 more chapters, because it's not going to happen. Its supposed to be a short story. The picture above is a yummy cupcake. And Shawn Mendes is contained in it because he is also incedibly yummy.

Anyways, love you guys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter,

Jas, xx.

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