Chapter 6

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I can say that I feel proud of myself. I never would have thought that throughout that night, I would have been able to get her number and ask her out. When I did, she said laughed a little but then just said yes.

She just told me that she was going to be the one to choose the place we met. Of course, I agreed.

As I'm driving and following the GPS's instructions, a weird feeling hits me. A certain sense of nostalgia and a fear of all the things I don't know about her anymore.

I don't think I know her anymore. I don't know if she's the same girl who still likes going to Starbucks at eleven in the night with her pajamas on or the girl who always sings along when a Pavarotti song is played.

I don't know that, but hell, it doesn't make me love her any less.

The GPS leads me to a building. It's very tall and when I come in, the gatekeeper asks me my name.

I tell him and he lets me come in. I type a text to Stephanie to ask her where she is and she replies that she's in the roof.

I enter the elevator and wait until it arrives on the last step. It's a normal roof. There are the TV antenas and cables throughout the ground.

I see her sitting down near the edge, listening to music. I don't think she hears my footsteps, because as I get closer to her, she does not turn back.

I sit next to her and when she sees me, she lets out a small gasp. She breathes out and starts laughing.

"You scared me," she says and I laugh.

"Sorry," I tell her.

"It's okay." She looks back to the view. I feel the wind hitting my face and it feels good.

"Do you come here usually?" I ask her and she nods.

"When I come to Sacramento, I come here almost everyday. I guess I was always the kind of person who needed a time out for some minutes from everyone." She tells me.

"So why did you invite me here?" I ask her.

"Because I remember that you'd always share your secret spot with me." She smiled. "The top of that tree was the best secret spot ever. But some weeks ago I went there, and the man told me that they cut it off." She says.

I bit my lip. None of us speaks a word for some seconds until I can't take it anymore.

"How are you?" I ask her.

"I'm fine." She replies.

"No, I mean, how are you really? I don't want the answer you tell everyone. I want the real answer." I tell her and she laughs.

"I'm fine, Tyler. I really am. Life has been good to me. I have nothing to complain about and I really am happy back in LA." She answers.

I nod. "It's just that it's been four years and..." I stop in the middle of my sentence. No, I will not tell her about the draft messages that I've been sending her throughout all of these years. She doesn't need this kind of problem in her life anymore.

"Remember the girl who sent you those texts?" She asks me.

"How could I ever forget her?" I run my hands through my hair.

"That girl doesn't exist anymore," she tells me what I knew she would say eventually.

"S," I call her like that for the first time since I'm back and look into her eyes. "Throughout, these four years, there hasn't been a day that I have not thought of you." I say.

She lets out a small smile. "I have thought of you too," she says.

"I wonder how things would have turned out to be if I hadn't messed everything up." I sigh.

"No," she says. Her eyes are still set to the view. "Don't say that. Don't blame yourself for anything. Don't waste time rehashing things from the past. What happened happened and we need to get the best out of it." She smiles a little.

I let out a small breath and take a look at all of the buildings.

"It must have happened for a reason," I tell her and she stops to stare at me.

"What?" She asks.

"This. Our existence. There are billions of people in this world. It's too big of a coincidence for us having ended up living in the same time, in the same place. There has to be something more than just coincidence." I blurt out.

She lets out a small chuckle. "I don't believe in destiny. I just believe that anything can happen to anyone. Some things are inevitable, you cannot avoid them."

I just close my eyes for a moment and try to keep this moment in my head. I just want to be able to remember these split seconds when I'm gone.

"Maybe," I finally say. "I just know that there's something stronger here. There has always been."

"Maybe," she whispers, not looking at me. "But everything that happened needed to happen."

She looks at the sky and I wonder if she knows she is just as beautiful as it is tonight.

"I'm sorry," I murmur all of a sudden.

She turns to face me.

"For what?" She asks me.

"For making you cry for something that wasn't worth it," I answer and she bites her lip.

"The past is in the past. And it's okay, because it made me the person I am today." She smiles.

And then, she lets out a small laugh once more. I ask her the reason.

"It's amazing, isn't it? " She tells me.


"How much we can prolong our suffering," She continues. "Four years ago, I spent 301 days writing for you and about you. I wrote how you wrecked me. I wrote about how much I hated you and you with her. I wrote about how much pain I went through. I described you as addicting as cocaine, but after everything, I finally saw that you were just a boy. A boy with whom things didn't turn out to be like I had planned." She bites her lip.

I let out a sigh.

"You know how I feel about you." I tell her. "You know how I've always felt about you."

She doesn't say anything, but I know she stopped to think what I just said. A silence surround us and I think of how words are meaningless for moments as frighteningly bewitching as this one.


Suckass chapter, I know. I'm so sorry for that. Some more chapters for the end of TYNK!

Keep reading. Updates will take a little longer, cause I have exams throughout the month.

But I will. Haven't given up on this story and I won't. Thank u for everything.



Jas, xx.

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