Buck's talk with Vision

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Bucky shook his head and wondered to himself how in the world Vision has found out about his plan.

"Alright..." Bucky continued. He opened his mouth for more, but nothing came out. His voice seemed trapped in his voice box. He hesitated long enough for Vision to give him a quizzical look.

"James. I promise I'm not here to hurt you in any way. Or betray you, if that's what you're afraid of."

It was like the Vision had read his mind... Again. He wondered if that's what he was actually doing.

"Well, back in WW11, Steve was my partner. You already know how I fell... And how I was cryogenically frozen for awhile... But I received this new metal arm in place of my missing one. I was brainwashed for Hydra's dirty work. Tricked into betraying my best friend. I sho--shot h-him... More than once. Beat him n-near to death. All of these recurring memories are making me dangerous. My brain isn't fully healed, if you will, from the brainwashing sessions. I still hit freak stages and go on a rampage. I've killed people from those... I can't let that happen to you guys. Can't let it happen to... to Steve..."

Bucky's voice faltered at the end as a wave of sobs overcame him. He dipped his head again and struggled to control his breathing.

The Vision's silent breaths were barely audible as he took in what Bucky was saying. Bucky felt empty inside, but also fear. No sadness or anger. No happiness or even disgust. Just fear.

"James. I have a feeling that isn't the only reason you are trying to escape. I can't help but think that some of those memories may be being triggered by someone... Someone very dear to me" the Vision spoke suddenly in a calm voice.

Bucky snorted and gave him a dryly sarcastic glance. "Yeah? And who's that?"


Bucky's blood turned to ice. This was the third time of this whole "mind reading" thing. But what troubled Bucky the most was that he knew what the Vision could do to him. He worried his seemingly obvious wariness of Wanda would set something off in the synthezoid's emotions.

"Oh. Well you guessed right..."

"I completely understand James. She makes you uncomfortable with her stare? She has that effect. Her eyes have long since lost their spark. They look sort of... Dead?"

4. Bucky has started keeping track of how many times the Vision had either purposely or coincidentally "read his mind".

"Y-yes, actually. That's exactly what it is! How did you know?" Bucky stammered in awe.

"I have grown very close to Wanda," the Vision smiled at this and stared through the trees in front of them. "I have come to know her different expressions. But I do ask that, if you were to ever cross paths with her again, you give her a chance. That you won't just run like you were planning on doing now."

5. 5 times. This is unreal, Bucky laughed ironically in his mind. He sat there in complete shock at this until he realised that Vision was staring expectantly at him.

Clearing his throat, he spoke. "Again. That was exactly it... But why would I give her a chance?" Bucky sat back with a smug look on his face. He cocked his head at the Vision.

"Because you both are damaged inside." Vision said simply, "I would think you would understand what it's like to have nightmares. What it's like to have people shy away from your deathly cold stare. What it's like to be feared by people... You do know that's what many people see you as... Yes?"

Bucky was about to retort when his brain started clicking the things together. It was true. His own eyes were dead looking, he was constantly haunted by nightmares, and people, well, they feared him more than they feared some serial killers. He was a monster, just like her.

He was being unfair, Bucky realised, to not give her the benefit of the doubt.

"You're right," Bucky sighed and gave in. "I'll give her, and everyone else. A chance." He stood to walk back to the door. The Vision floated up and followed behind him.

"James, I can't thank you enough, both on mine and Wanda's behalf."

Bucky stopped in his tracks. "Why? I didn't say anything inspiring or anything."

Giving a small smile, the Vision put a hand on Bucky's shoulder, a gesture that made Bucky jump a little.

"Because you are giving her a chance that most people don't. Most of the team is still wary of her, excluding Clint and I. The others weren't happy with her previous work. She was ordered to make them hallucinate their worst fears, to put it simply," the Vision said as if it were common knowledge.

As the Vision floated back inside, Bucky caught him nodding to someone near the door.

As Bucky raged as to who could've been eavesdropping on his "crying" session, it suddenly hit him as he remembered his best friend.


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