Ch 16.

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(A/N: okay so honestly, I think I'm gonna have more of the a be with Wanda and Vision. Civil War further strengthened my ship for them and yeah.)

Kitty felt her mind swirling. She had been gone for a few days. And no one had come to help her. Maybe they were caught up in something.


Don't think like that Kitty! Kitty scolded herself and felt a tear slip out. What had happened to them!?

Kitty's hands itched to use her dark energy. She knew if she worked hard enough, she could find them. See where they were. What they were doing.

No, she said to herself, it'll only corrupt your mind. It'll make you what Thanos wants you to be.

Her thoughts were cut short when she heard the clomping of heavy footsteps near her cell. She lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling. This sucked.

She felt Thanos's essence as he approached her cell.

"What do you want?"

"I can feel you fighting with your mind. You want to use your energy," Thanos said in his deep voice. It freaked Kitty out enough that she turned father from him.

"And? I'm not using it. It'll only make you stronger," Kitty spat.

"Just use it. You can see where your friends are," Thanos coaxed. Kitty could feel herself weakening.

Then her mind snapped.

She had to see if Steve was okay.

She felt weak for snapping this early, but it wasn't because of Thanos. That was some comfort.

Kitty splayed her hands and swirled the dark energy into a swirling oval. It cleared into a scene. She saw Steve arriving at a jail in an ocean. Sam, Clint, Wanda, and some guy named Scott were locked up. He must be trying to break them out.

Stark was in the compounds with Vision. Vision seemed distraught over something.

The urge to know what was overpowering.

She directed the energy towards his mind. Kitty's mind rifled through his as she searched for his sorrow.

The scenes hit her with immense power. They seemed to draw her in; she couldn't stop looking.

She saw Vision fighting Clint, and then saw Wanda pushing him through the ground. She saw him accidentally shoot Rhodey. She saw him standing in the hospital, feeling ashamed for his powers.

But what really struck her was when she shifted her vision to Sam. She saw, almost through his past eyes, Steve kiss Sharon. In a parking garage. And he seemed to enjoy it.

Kitty screamed and fell to the ground, cutting off her connection. What had happened to him!?

Her mind continued to swirl as she heard the cell door opening. Her insides made her sick and her vision was blurry. She could feel Thanos standing over her as her eyes filled with tears.

They were all in so much pain. And she wasn't there to help. Steve had betrayed her. Thrown whatever that may have had through the window. Kitty pressed her dark energised mind towards Steve again, but nothing happened. She was drained.

Thanos knelt down next to Kitty, and she could feel the darkness radiating off of him.

"I can help you," he said as he put a massive hand on her shoulder. It made Kitty flinch, and Thanos seemed to take notice of it. "But I can't if you keep running off and pushing me away. Let me fix your mind."

Kitty let herself sit there. Her eyes filled with tears as she brushed hair from her face.

Were they even gonna come for her?

He couldn't bring his mind from Kitty. It didn't matter that he had just rescued his buddies from the sea prison. Okay, it did matter. Vision was thrilled to have Wanda back. As was Nat with Clint.

But it also wasn't just Kitty.

Bucky was still gone. Steve still found it hard to understand why Bucky couldn't have just stayed. He could've helped Bucky with whatever was screwing him up.

Steve couldn't keep his mind feeling... sane. He had to go find Kitty. She was the only one who would be able to help.

Well, how was he going to do that?

His hope was dwindling quickly and he trudged to his room. He had just lost his two best friends. How much more was going to be taken from him before he would be let be?

But in the mean time, he had to make sure the team stayed together again. Without Tony, things would be harder than usual. Tony wasn't around ever, especially since the whole war thing. Hulk and Thor were still gone. So basically, it came down to him, Sam, Scott, Vision, Wanda, Nat, and sometimes Clint.

It sucked having 4 essential team members gone. And ever since the problem in Nigeria, Wanda had become a nervous wreck. Steve felt kinda bad for her. She had killed people by accident, and had betrayed one of the only people who had ever taken her seriously: Vision.

They were distant from each other now. Never too close. It was actually pretty sad to watch. Vision never stayed angry at her for what she did; Steve wasn't sure if he was even capable of that.

But she stayed slightly angry at him for listening to Tony's orders and barricading her inside.

And then Steve felt another pang in his heart. One about his own wrongdoing. He had kissed Sharon. Kitty had completely slipped from his mind and he had kissed her mindlessly.

Stupid, stupid, STUPID, he scolded himself. Now, anything with Kitty was to be jeopardised even more.

Still, he had to rescue her.

But his hopeless mind floated right back to where he started: it's hopeless.

Steve wondered what Kitty must be feeling up there, or wherever "there" was. Did she feel as hopeless as he did? Did she feel like she would be stuck there forever?

Did she know about the kiss!?

Steve knew he was going to pay for that. And it would be soon. But, in the meantime, he was going to figure out a way to get both Kitty and Tony back.

No matter how much it would toll on him.

Hey guys! Sorry about the huge long wait, but as I mentioned before, and also as the readers may have seen, this chapter contains events from Civil War. Big events. So I decided to wait a couple weeks to give time to see it. 😌 Thanks for reading guys! I love you!

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