Chapter 5: Boys' Night Out

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Chapter 5: Boys' Night Out

(Sparklez's POV)

     I had the same nightmare two nights in a row. It didn't matter what I did or said differently, Furia still killed Capsize and Capsize still blamed it all on me. My heart still burned when I woke up. Last night I decided to avoid sleeping at all.

     I sighed and dragged the wet, freezing cold cloth over my face again in a desperate attempt to wake myself up a bit more. It worked, but not as much as I would've liked. I hung the cloth on a rack to dry, then I walked over to a mirror and lifted the hem of my shirt. 'It spread again...' I noticed that sometimes when I get angry enough, and every time I have a nightmare, the once small flame tattoo spreads. It's already reached up and covered my chest, and has begun crawling up my neck as well as stretching around to my back. I don't know what to do about it. I can't go to Wag, since he's still technically sick and I don't want to stress him out. I can't go to Martha or Dianite, because they're busy enough as it is, and I don't want to add more to their plates. My friends are out of the question, because they're... well, they're them.

     My thoughts were interrupted by my communicator beeping. It was Tom. "Hey, Tom."

     "Sparklez! Since it didn't work out a few nights ago, Tucker and I are going out to the Wizards' tonight! Wanna come?"

     I hummed, mulling the idea over. "Umm...."

     "Aw, come on! It'll do you good to have some fun!" He had a point. It couldn't hurt, unless they did something stupid. Again.

     "Y'know what? Sure. What time are we meeting up?"

     Tom's face lit up. "Around nine! See you at the Wizard Town gate!" He hung up, and I went back to my books. I haven't found anything like my tattoo just yet, but maybe in the next few hours I'll find something.

(Tucker's POV)

     After a long day of helping Mianite, I was ready for a boys' night out. Tom told me earlier that Sparklez was coming with us this time, so we've got the full hero crew this time.

     I proceeded to take off my armour and prepare myself for tonight. I kept as few things as possible on my person, and slipped them into my golden bag of holding. I walked out of my dojo, and turned on the repulsion field just in case. I snickered when I heard a distant British accent scream in rage. 'I guess Tom was waiting for me in the vicinity.'

     "Tucker! Dude!" Tom stormed up to me as soon as I walked out the front gates, his face slightly red yet with laughter in his eyes.

     "What can I say? I need to protect my stuff. Especially from a certain British zombie." I accused.

     He held up his hands in surrender. "Okay you win, but only tonight. Ain't no hard feelings for the party!" We laughed, and started flying towards the Wizards' place.

     After flying for a few minutes, although it could've been mere seconds if I used my blood magic, we reached the town. Sparklez was leaning against a house. "Hey man," I called to him, "Glad you could join us!" He laughed, and made his way over to where we landed. We did that somewhat-awkward side hug, and the three of us walked inside the bar where the Wizards, a few of their friends, and random party-goers were waiting for us. We went around and greeted everyone we knew, and introduced ourselves to those we didn't.

     After our rounds, Matt came over to us holding four beer bottles. "Nice to see you guys again. Here, have a drink." We each took one and began drinking, though it already seemed like Matt has had a bit too much. 'He's never been the best at holding his liquor.'

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