Chapter 10: The Date

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Chapter 10: The Date

(Sparklez's POV)

     I stepped out of the shower, and slipped on clean clothes. 'I have to make it up to Sonja. But how?' Running my hand through my hair in an effort to finger-comb it, I walked to the kitchen hoping for inspiration. I knew that she liked to cook, so maybe there was merit there. I eyes landed on the remaining pie that she had given me a few days ago. An idea hit me harder than a rock on glass. I grabbed the little cooking and baking supplies that I had, I got to work.

.-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-.Time Skip (it's been so long! :o).-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-.

     I turned off the stove, and put everything in a wicker basket that Steve had given to me awhile ago for helping him pick apples. I added some cutlery, plates, cups, candles, and a blanket then closed it up and headed for my destination.

     I took out my angel ring and slipped it on, soon feeling my wings spread from my back. After the short, few minute flight I hit the grass on a cliffside, overlooking the ocean. I opened the basket once again, and took out everything but the food and drink. I spread out the blanket, then arranged the cups, plates, and cutlery so that we'll be facing the sunset while eating.

     The candles went in the middle, but I soon realised something. 'Damn! I forgot a lighter! Whatever. They can be more decorative instead.' I stood up from my knees, and clapped my hands once before rubbing them together, trying to get off some loose grass. Looking down one more time to check that everything was in order, I noticed that one of the candles was lit. 'What? Wait, did I..?' I blew out the candle, then clapped. Nothing. I started to rub my hands together, and the candle lit again. I went over to the other candle, and the same thing happened. I shook my head. There's no time for this right now.

     After a bit more flying, I landed in front of Sonja's pink door. I rapped on her door with my knuckles, and waited for her to open the door. Eventually, her footsteps sounded from inside and the door creaked open.

     I waved. "Hi there." Her eyes widened, and she enveloped me in a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck. I set down the basket and wrapped my arms around her waist, before lifting her off the ground and spinning her.

     "Sparklez! Oh my gods, are you okay? You scared me so much! I didn't know what to do, so I called Martha and-"

     I held up my hand to interrupt her rambling. "I know, and that's why I'm here. I want to apologize for freaking you out, so I thought that maybe we could go for a picnic? Like, a date?" I forced my eyes to leave my shoes and find her face. She was smiling.

     "I'd love that." Her smile was infectious, and we both stood there smiling.

     "Awesome. Let's go." She took my hand, giving me a reassuring gaze when I tensed. Relaxing, I took off and led her to the hill. At the base, before she could see the picnic, I stopped and took a strip of fabric from my pocket. "Wear this." I commanded.

     She stared at it like it would attack her. "Why?"

     "Please?" Sonja bit her lip, then took it from my hands and held it over her eyes.

     "Can you tie it for me?" Though she could easily do it herself, I went behind her and tied the blindfold in a bow for a quick removal. Placing my hand on the small of her back, we started to walk up the hill.

     "We're here." I whispered in her ear, and took off the blindfold. She let out a small gasp, standing stock-still looking at the picnic site.

     "Oh, Sparklez..." She trailed off. Seeing that she wasn't moving, I took her hand and walked over to the blanket, pulling her down until we were both sitting. I opened the basket and took out the lemonade, muffins, cookies, a cake, and a pie. Sonja lightly kissed my cheek, sending a burning blush up to my face. "This is amazing. Thank you."

     "I feel terrible about scaring you, especially like how I did this morning." I lightly grasped her hand. "I don't want you to ever feel scared around me. I'm sorry, Sonja."

     She giggled. "It's alright, Sparklez. You couldn't help it. But it's over, and all that's important now is the present."

     I let go of her hand, I swept my arm towards the desserts. "Ladies first."

.-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-.Time Skip.-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-..-~-.

     Sonja leaned her head on my shoulder, and I snaked my arm around her waist. I watched as the sun sunk slowly under the ocean, forcing the light to glow orange as dying embers. I turned my head to look at Sonja, who was entranced by the fading sun. The dying blaze made Sonja's hoodie glow a warm, neon orange, and danced in her eyes.

     She sighed. "I guess we should get going."

     "We don't have to."

     "Sparklez, we left our armour and weapons behind. Mobs will start spawning soon."

     I chuckled. "Not tonight. I called in a favor from Dianite." Her head snapped towards me, and our eyes met. She leaned closer to me, and I did the same. Our lips brushed each other's, and thought it felt like a small bit of paradise, I found myself pulling back.

     She opened her eyes, and stared at me with tenderness in her eyes. "It's alright, Sparklez. There's nothing to worry about." Caution be damned, I kissed her with more passion than I thought I was capable of. We melted into a rhythm, savouring every moment, only pausing for breath every now and then. We kept kissing, our lips moving in synchronization with her arms thrown around my neck and my hands resting on her hip and holding her chin softly.

     I took my hand from her chin, and started to run in through her brown hair. Sonja's hand started to slip up my shirt, but I tenderly grabbed her wrist and pulled it away. Breaking the kiss, I pulled away to look at her.

    "I-I'm sorry, I just... got caught up in the moment, I guess. I'm really sorry." I took both her hands in mine, and pressed my forehead to hers.

     "Don't apologize, it's alright. And I promise you that someday. Not now, but someday." I kissed her lightly, and I felt her smile before returning the action. "It's getting late. We should go." Sonja nodded, and helped me pack up the basket.

     On our way back, I noticed that she started to shiver. "Cold?"

     "A-A bit. I'm fine, though." I took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulders. Cheesy, but she needed something warmer than a fox hoodie. "Thanks."

     I smiled and grabbed her hand. "No problem." We kept walking until reaching her house where we bid goodnight, and I flew off towards my towers. I completely forgot about my jacket.


A/N - See! See! I promised I wouldn't do something sad! Sorry if it's odd or generally bad, I've never really written something THAT romantic. I'm more of the cutesy and/or crushy romance writer. Oh well.

We finally have the #HappyEndings in sight! -Pure

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