5."I'm hungry...And Horny"

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"You have to hide!" I whisper-yell at Jay and he wides his eyes frantically.

"Are these your parents?" He asks me nervously.

My parents aren't supposed to be home now. They said they will be home by midnight and it's only eight now.

"Umm, who is it?" I ask, standing behind the door.

"It's Joe, Aubrey open up!"

Jay glares at me then looks around for hiding places I assume. I point at the bathroom door then push him towards it, both of us aggressively whispering curse words at each other.

"Hey Joe!" I say too excitedly.

"Listen I was in the neighborhood and I really needed to pee so if you just let me use your bathroom that would be–" he starts stepping inside but I interrupt him.

"NO!" I yell at him, panicking. He looks at me like I've gone nuts and raises his left brow at my behavior.

I clear my throat and start looking for excuses as to why the poor boy can't empty his bladder in my bathroom. "Umm, I meant...umm..we have this plumbing issue in that bathroom so umm," I clear my throat again. "Yeeesh you don't wanna be going in there." I laugh nervously. "So yeah, nobody ever goes in there. Ever like I mean ever."

And then a sound comes from the bathroom.

I will murder that pig.

"What was that?" Joe asks confused. "Are you not alone?"

"I am. That must have been the toilet flush. I'm telling you it's a mess we really need to fix it. Hahaha." Oh my God Aubrey stop laughing.

"No there's definitely something inside."

"Joe, I'm telling you this is how our flusher sounds like. It goes, pshhhjjjjjuurrrrr like that. Don't you have practice? I'm pretty sure you have practice. "

"I don't have practice."

"Oh. My bad then," I give him a tight, nervous smile.

"What's going on with you?" He chuckles a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting like a nut case."

"No, I'm just hungry." No Aubrey that's not good enough. "And horny."



"Umm yeah. And when I'm horny I tend to find anyone attractive and get really awkwardly seductive so–umm– get out of here before I have sex with you!" I turn him around and push him towards the door.

"I wouldn't mind that." He laughs.

"I would. Bye Joe!" I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I slam the door right when he's outside.

"You're fucking crazy, I love it!" Joe laughs from the other side and I involuntarily smile at how his laugh sounds.

I open the blinds and check that he's in his car. When I see him drive away I rush to the bathroom.

"You couldn't stay quiet for two minutes?" I cross my arms at Jay's childish behavior.

"I needed to take a shit." He tells me and I scrunch up my face in utter disgust. "What I was already in the toilet and I needed to take a shit so I took the chance–"

"Shut up. Just...shut up." I sigh.

Are all males this disgusting?

"About the deal.." He starts and I instantly have an evil smirk on my face.

"What about it?" I ask him feigning innocence.

"It won't really work for me." He has the guts to say.

"Oh you know what else didn't 'work' for me? When you told everyone I sent you 47 love letters per week." I give him the most fake smile ever.

"Come on, Aubrey. Forgiveness is the key to a happy life." He tried to persuade me but nope. Won't work.

"You have until Tuesday. Whenever you wanna tell your little jock friends about your silly crush on me, tell me before it so I can make sure you actually told them." I seal the deal. "And if you don't do that, you know the consequences."

I have never felt more powerful. Now I know why villains love being evil so much. It's so entertaining.

"You are such a..." He narrows his eyes at me, in attempt to intimidate me, but really I have the upper hand here. "Fine! I'll do it. Monday after school. Wait in the parking lot, let's get this over with."

"Good boy." I take off his cap and ruffle his hair.

I may have thrown myself under the bus here, but I know that nothing safe is worth the drive anyways.

"You know how much I hate you right now." He says, full loathing lining his words.

"When did you ever not hate me?" I fire back.

"Probably before I knew you existed." He spits.

"Like I care. Show yourself out I wanna finish this movie. Oh and here's your money. Bye." I plop down on the couch and spread my legs in front of me. I hear him curse under his breath before slamming the door and leaving.

I don't know how this will end up. What if his friends make fun of him and stop talking to him?

That would be great to be honest but am I that bad? Why can't anyone like me and not get made fun of? This isn't how it had been for me before. I wasn't a freak nor was I an introvert. I was outgoing and fun. I actually had loads of friends but I had no real friends. They all hate me now. Either that or we lost touch.

I feel the lump in my throat slightly growing and I try to ignore it but it just doesn't seem that it will be going away anytime soon.

Did I just make myself cry?

And that's when I feel it.

The flow in my lower region.

That's when I realize, it's time for my friend's visit.

My period has come and fucked both my hormones and my emotions up.


Prettyyyy short and sort of a filler chapter but it was fun to write. The awkwardness was real y'all lol.

Can we get this to 10 votes? It would make me a happy potato. Now I'm just..a regular potato.

Do you have any guy friends? xx

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