Adopt Makinleigh and Raegen!
Birthday: February 1, 2002 and November 28, 2012
Age: 15 & 4
Height: 169 cm & 114 cm
Weight: 55 kg & 24 kg
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Their story: When Makinleigh was born, her mom was only eighteen and her father abandoned her before the birth. Later on, she met another man and got pregnant with Raegen, but died after giving birth to her. Raegen's dad committed suicide shortly after.
Likes: Makinleigh loves ice-cream, fireworks and canvas. Raegen, as she is only three, enjoys riding her little bike and playing with dolls.
Dislikes: Makinleigh dislikes Raegen, because people often neglect her in favor of her little sister. Conversely, Raegen doesn't like being neglected by older people, especially her sister.
Allergies: Makinleigh is intolerant to lactose. Raegen has no allergies.
Diseases: Makinleigh is dyslexic, while Raegen suffers from a slight form of autism.
They were supposed to be adopted by AshtonTheRavenclaw but they're back up for adoption again!
Adopt a Baby
Randomthe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*