Adopt Alaia!
Birthday: February 12, 2010
Age: 7
Height: 130 cm
Weight: 31 kg
Ethnicity: Latin-American
Their story: Alaia's family is very poor. They can't grant her a happy and satisfying life. Moreover, her father has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer... This is why her mother is giving her away.
Likes: she loves drawing. Her favorite color is red and she loves apples and cookies.
Dislikes: she doesn't like dull colors like brown or grey because they make her sad.
Allergies: none
Diseases: none
She used to be adopted by TaylorJaureguiOffic_ but now she's free and up for adoption!
She was adopted by @CipherFan14 (I can't tag them properly) but now she's free and up for adoption!
Adopt a Baby
Randomthe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*