Adopt Vivienne! *ADOPTED*
Birthday: January 19, 2012
Age: 5
Height: 112 cm
Weight: 23 kg
Ethnicity: French-Canadian
Their story: Her parents came from Quebec. Their story is really sad: they died after a horseride ended in disaster due to awful weather and the horses having an accident. Their little daughter is now living with her dying grandfather.
Likes: snow, ice-cream, sweets and flowers
Dislikes: she hates horses, rain, thunders and lightnings (all of which caused her parents' death)
Allergies: she is allergic to chlorine and therefore can't go to swimming pools
Diseases: she has a heart condition
She used to be adopted by slayingstiles but now she's free and still available for adoption.
Currently adopted by katedawn7
Adopt a Baby
Randomthe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*