Adopt Jenna and Leighanna! *ADOPTED*
Birthday: June 5, 2002 and November 29, 2013
Age: 15 & 3
Height: 171 and 108 cm
Weight: 55 and 16 kg
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Their story: their mother physically abused them and so their father helped them escape their horror house. He and his then-wife have since divorced and the girls are staying in a foster home.
Likes: they both like the same things, which means reading and listening to music
Dislikes: they hate starving and being mistreated
Allergies: neither has any
Diseases: they both have several physical defects
Adopted by LlammaMommy__queen
Adopt a Baby
De Todothe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*