Adopt Raelin & Neenah!
Birthday: July 8, 2001 & October 30, 2005
Age: 15 & 11
Height: Raelin is 173 cm tall, whereas Neenah is 152 cm tall.
Weight: Raelin weighs 62 kg, whereas Neenah weighs 50 kg.
Ethnicity: African-American
Their story: Raelin and Neenah are two sisters who were separated shortly after Neenah's birth (and their father's death) due to their family being poor. Their mother would die in 2014 after a bad car crash.
Likes: Raelin likes M&M's, going shopping, doing her hair and writing her diary. Neenah loves playing videogames and eating cookies in front of the TV.
Dislikes: Raelin hates racial prejudice and people fixing her. Similarly, Neenah doesn't like being judged or observed with suspicion.
Allergies: Neither has any.
Diseases: Neither has any. Neenah was born 5 weeks premature.
They used to be adopted by AmandaA1108 but now they're free and up for adoption!
Adopt a Baby
Randomthe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*