Adopt Kassidee! *ADOPTED*
Birthday: October 27, 2007
Age: 9
Height: 135 cm
Weight: 37 kg
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Their story: Kassidee comes from a wealthy family and she's used to getting whatever she wants. However, one day, her parents lose everything and her dad commits suicide. Her relatives abandon her and her mother and disown her. Therefore, her mother decides to give her up.
Likes: gold, dancing, wearing jewels
Dislikes: money, snobby people and blood
Allergies: peanuts
Diseases: she got her tonsils removed in 2012
Adopted by staerrynights-
Adopt a Baby
Acakthe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*