Adopt Prabhleen!
Birthday: September 16, 2000
Age: 16
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Ethnicity: Indian
Their story: Prabhleen was raised in a small rural village in India. Her family was very poor and couldn't afford to raise her and her many siblings, so her parents forced her and her sisters to marry at least at age 11. She, however, refused to do so and ran away. A nun from a charitable service found her and sent her to the USA to give her a new life.
Likes: she likes dancing, singing, acting and showing off a little bit
Dislikes: she hates the thought of marriage and her family, which she wants to forget as soon as possible
Allergies: none. Though, due to her religion, she doesn't eat beef or pork
Diseases: none.
Adopt a Baby
Randomthe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*