Adopt Freddy!
Birthday: June 20, 2005
Age: 12
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Their story: his father was arrested for corruption, whereas his mother, who married thrice after divorcing the boy's father, has since neglected him. He's now living at his friend's house, but wants a family.
Likes: reading, watching documentaries and playing his trumpet
Dislikes: thugs, getting into trouble and bad boys/girls
Allergies: nuts and pollen
Diseases: he suffers from asthma
Adopted by YuiHeartMai
Adopt a Baby
De Todothe book where every user can pick up a baby from every single chapter. rules are inside cover by @infinity2beyond *Info as of July 5, 2017. People who pick kids must remember that*