KH: Interview

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Hello everyone I will be interviewing @Rikusqueenofhearts today so let's get to it shall we?

Interview with: RikusQueenOfHearts

Interviewed by: Spideypool-Master

Q: What inspired you to become a writer?

A: I actually found out that I loved story telling when I was a small kid. I had trouble speaking and would use drawings to tell a story. I realized that I wanted to tell a story. As I got older I'd make book covers and draw them, and write short sentences. At the age of fifteen I started taking writing more seriously. When I met my partners Riv and Sakura at seventeen we started writing together. When I was almost nineteen we officially started the Kingdom Hearts fanfiction series together.

Q: How did you find Wattpad?

A: Riv and Sakura actually told me to check it out. It was a bit complicated since Wattpad went through updates, but I love it now.

Q: How did you become apart of the Kingdom Hearts fandom?

A: I became part of the fandom at fourteen, well to be specific, *Chuckles* my mom actually got me into the first game when I was seven. I would watch her play the game when she took a break from being a stay at home mom. Even though she stopped and didn't play the rest of the games as the years went by, I did and decided to be part of the official fandom at fourteen, and an interesting fandom it is.

Q: What do you think of your fans/readers?

A: Ah, the fans. You gotta love them right? I have some I was hesitant about, though it was only a few. I am glad that they enjoy the series. Others are just flat out hilarious, they make comments with the story. I love the fact that the majority of them are actually just readers who read it because it gives them hope and enjoyment. I'm glad to give them smiles and hope. We live in a time where we need better fantasies, and I'm glad to give that to them. In fact, they want to see me write more and even see what I have for an original story, not fanfiction. Which I'm more than happy to work on for them soon.

Q: Lastly, who is your favorite Kingdom Hearts author here on Wattpad?

A: My favorite? *Laughs a little* it's hard to choose one, but I'll probably have to pick @WhyAreAll I really love her originality she puts into her KH series and it draws readers in. Plus, her main lead is very developed and enjoyable to read!

Spidypool-Master: Well thank you for the interview it was amazing to have you.

RikusQueenofHearts: Oh no thank you. I'm glad to be a part of the interview and a part of starting up this project.

Spideypool-Master: Who will I interview next in our next issue? Leave your comments and if you're interested I may interview you next. Until next time stay awesome. I'm Spideypool-Master and this was KH Interviews. See ya next time.

Kingdom Hearts Magazine Issue #1Where stories live. Discover now