Chapter 5

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Henrik's story (Henrik's POV)

"Brother I am a warlock. When I died the spirits but my soul back into my body. When I was buried I was in transition. I kept my powers after the change. Here sit and I'll tell you what happened." I told Finn.

Finn and Kol sat on the couch. Izzy sat on the short couch with Elijah. I sat in a chair where I could see everyone. This would be the first time Kol, Finn, and Elijah would hear the whole story. Izzy thought she knew it all but I left some things out.

"Before I start I need to tell you Izzy that you don't know the whole story like you think." I look at her.

"What do you mean Henri?" She asks.

"There are things I left out because it's not time for you to know. Don't take it as me not telling you the truth because I am. Izzy I know that you have your powers and contact the witches just like I can. If you don't think I'm telling the truth you can always ask them." I tell them honestly.

"Tell us and if I need to I will go to the spirits and ask them. Continue your story Henri." She smiles.

I was happy to see her again. When she called and talked to Elijah telling him she was coming to see us I was excited. I didn't know that she was bringing two of our brothers with her. Seeing their faces was the funniest thing I have seen in a while. It was like seeing Elijah the first in a while and how his face was.

Right after Henrik was attacked

I was looking at my body and couldn't believe that I was attacked. Maybe I shouldn't have had Nik take me to see the wolves. I knew I was on the other side because I could see Anya's kids. Luka waved me over to him. I didn't know what was going to happen. (Not sure if I spelt her name right, Luka will be speaking Italian, his mother taught him and Henrik that)

"Henrik come stai?" Luka smiles.(Henrik how are you?)

"Io sono morta. È così che sono. Altrimenti come stiamo parlando. Qualcuno può capirci?" I look around.(I am dead. That is how I am. Otherwise how are we speaking. Can anyone understand us?)

"Sì, l'ho visto. Perché hai avuto Niklaus a portarti da loro. Sapevi quanto fosse pericoloso. Siamo dall'altra parte. Se parliamo latino, direi di sì, possono capirci. Non stiamo parlando in latino, quindi no non possono." He laughs the last part.(Yes I seen that. Why did you have Niklaus take you to them. You knew how dangerous that was. We are on the other side. If we were speaking Latin then I would say yes they can understand us. We are not speaking Latin so no they can not.)

"Se avessi saputo che stavo per morire, non avrei lasciato che mi prendesse. Okay, allora perché mi stai chiamando. Cosa succederà ora?" I ask.(If I knew I was going to die I would not have let him take me. Okay so why are you calling me over. What's going to happen now?)

"Vieni con me da qualche parte più privato e te lo dirò." He says walking away.(Come with me somewhere more private and I will tell you.)

I followed him and saw that we were in the graveyard. I wondered what he needed to tell me. My mother and father have been acting different. Niklaus and Isabelle were always punished for things they never did. I wanted to know why.

"Siamo qui quindi dimmi cosa sta succedendo. Ha a che fare con la mia famiglia?" I ask as we sit down.(We are here so tell me what is going on. Does it have to do with my family?)

"Sì, ha a che fare con la tua famiglia. Ci sono tre di voi che non appartengono a Mikael. Lo sospetta ma non è sicuro. Ora che sei morto, useranno i tuoi fratelli per creare i primi vampiri originali. Ciò significa che bruceranno al sole se non hanno una pietra speciale. La pietra preziosa di lapislazzuli, è quella che viene chiamata. Moriranno solo se messi in paletta con un paletto di quercia bianca o un pugnale immerso nella cenere del rovere bianco. Non potranno entrare nella casa di un uomo senza un invito.  Possono costringere un essere umano a fare quello che vogliono. A causa di ciò gli spiriti non sono contenti di Ester. Ora stai per essere sepolto, non bruciato come al solito. Gli spiriti torneranno nel tuo corpo ma quando sarai sepolto sarai in transizione. Niklaus e Isabelle finiscono per uccidere per completare la transizione. Quando lo fanno diventano i primi ibridi di sempre. Tranne il fatto che Isabelle manterrà i suoi poteri come te. Quando ti svegli dovrai nutrirti. Questo ti renderà il terzo ibrido e il secondo ibrido con poteri. Avete domande." He tells me.(Yes it does have to do with your family. There are three of you that do not belong to Mikael. He suspects it but is not for sure. Now that you are dead they are going to use your siblings to make the first original vampires. That means that they will burn in the sun if they don't have a special stone. The lapis lazuli gemstone, is what it is called. They will only die when staked with a white oak stake or a dagger dipped in the white oak tree ash. They won't be able to enter a human's home without an invitation. They can compel a human into doing what they want. The spirits are not happy with Esther because of this. Now you are going to be buried not burned like usual. The spirits are going to but you back into your body and when you are buried you will be in transition. Niklaus and Isabelle end up killing to complete the transition. When they do that they become the first hybrids ever. Except for the fact that Isabelle will keep her powers as will you. When you awake you will have to feed. That will make you the third hybrid and second hybrid with powers. Do you have any questions.)

"Sì, ho alcune domande. Chi di noi non appartiene a Mikael? Cosa intendi per Niklaus, Isabelle e io sono ibridi? Di cosa siamo ibridi?" I ask.(Yes I have a few questions. Which of us do not belong to Mikael? What do you mean Niklaus, Isabelle, and I are hybrids? What are we hybrids of?)

"Niklaus, Isabelle e te stesso non sono i figli di Mikael. Tu appartieni a Nicholas Zzwan lui è un lupo. Quando Mikael scopre che uccide il tuo vero padre e la sua famiglia. Quando ciò accadrà, verrai riportato qui per riportare tuo padre nella terra della vita. Nessuno deve saperlo finché non hai tutta la tua famiglia insieme." He says.(Niklaus, Isabelle and yourself are not Mikael's kids. You belong to Nicholas Zzwan he is a wolf. When Mikael finds out he kills your actual father and his family. When that happens you will be brought back here to bring your father back to the land of living. No one must know until you have your entire family together.)

"Cosa succede quando Klaus, Isabelle e io uccidiamo qualcuno?" I ask curiously.(What happens when Niklaus, Isabelle, and I kill someone?)

"Esther mette una maledizione su Niklaus e Isabelle per tenere chiuso il loro lato lupo. D'altra parte stai bene. Per spezzare la maledizione serve un lupo, un vampiro, un aspetto simile a Tatiana Petrova. I doppelganger nascono ogni 500 anni. Tua madre le farà credere di dover uccidere il doppelganger per rompere la maledizione.  Non hanno bisogno di farlo però. Prendono il sangue da Silas e dal suo doppelganger umano, nonché da Amara e dal suo doppelganger umano per spezzare la maledizione. Isabelle troverà Silas e Amara tra 200 e 200 anni. Quando torni a cercarla, dille di trovarli e prendi il loro sangue.  Quando si ottengono i doppelgraner umani fanno lo stesso. Devi andare ora. Resterò in contatto. Così tanto tempo amico mio." He disappears.(Esther puts a curse on Niklaus and Isabelle to keep their wolf side locked up. You on the other hand are fine. In order to break the curse you need a wolf, vampire, a look-like of Tatiana Petrova. The doppelgangers are born every 500 hundred years. Your mother will make them think that they have to kill the doppelganger to break the curse. They don't need to do that though. They take blood from Silas, and his human doppelganger as well as Amara and her human doppelganger to break the curse. Isabelle will find Silas and Amara 200 hundred years from now. When you go back find her and tell her to find them and take their blood. When you get human doppelgangers do the same. You have to go now. I'll be in touch. So long my friend.)

End of Henrik's flashback

I told them most of that. The human doppelgangers are both now vampires so we can't use them. Now waiting five hundred years would be fun. They were going to be born in less than 70 years and we would meet them in less than 90 years. They didn't know that.


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