Chapter 6

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Isabelle's POV(during Henrik's story)

As my brother told his story I knew there were certain things he was leaving out. The spirits were telling me the same story as he was. I watched Kol, Finn, and Elijah's faces. Kol was shocked. Finn looked hurt. Elijah, who usually kept a bank face, had a shocked, anger, and disbelief on his face.

Henrik looked at me as he finished speaking. He was pretty much asking me if I believed him. I nodded my head and smiled. I was happy to be sitting here with my brothers. I needed Nik and Bekah here. The time wasn't right yet.

"Kol, Finn I have a question." I say.

"Yes Izzy?" They say in unison.

"I have to leave for a few weeks. Would the two of you be okay here with Elijah and Henrik?" I ask them.

"If it is okay with Elijah I would love to stay." Finn says.

Kol nods and Elijah smiles and nods his head in agreement. Good, I thought, now I don't have to worry about them when I go looking for Damon. It was that time again where I checked up on my mate. I knew it wasn't time for us to meet yet. Still no one said I could not watch over him. He still needed to find out that Katherine, as he knows her, is not in the tomb. Once he did that I would be able to go to him.

"Good, well Elijah, Henrik I'm sorry but I really must go. If it is fine with you I will be back in a few weeks." I say.

"That is fine sister. I will see you then. Have safe travels." Elijah gets up and hugs me.

"Thank you brother." I smile.

"Thank you so much sister for freeing me. I will see you soon." Kol hugs me.

"You are welcome brother. Behave is all I ask while I am gone." I hug him back.

"Thank you sister." Finn hugs me.

"See you soon Finn." I shake my head hugging him.

"I'll walk you out sister." Henrik offers me his arm.

I take his arm and walk towards the door. He helped me with my coat and opened the door for us. He walked me down the steps and down the drive. Before he walked off he hugged me tight.

"I know you're looking for Damon Salvatore. He is in Mystic, Georgia. Checking on family. Be careful Nik, Bekah, and Stefan are heading back there as well." He leaves me standing there.

"Thank you Henri." I smile.


Damon's POV

This wasn't the first time I had seen the beauty following me. I've tried to catch her attention every time and she never notices me. If I seen her again I swore I would talk to her.

I decided to go back to see my family. I also wondered where my dear brother was. Last I had heard he was in Chicago with some girl. I kind of hoped to see him on this trip.

She was behind me again. I had seen her from the corner of my eye. She was watching my every move. This was my one and probably only chance, I thought.

"Hello ma'am." I say, walking up to her table.

"Hello." She nods.

"My name is Damon Salvatore. What's yours?" I ask.

"I knew your name mister Salvatore. You can call me Isa." Isa tells me.

"Might I ask how you know my name." I smile.

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