Chapter 3

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I was now in Chicago, Illinois following my dear brother, Nik, and my lovely sister, Rebekah who I see is finally undaggered, they were with a friend. Stefan Salvatore A.k.a The Ripper. How he ended up with my brother and sister is beyond me. I knew if Stefan was here then Damon would be close as would Lexi Branson.

"Brother, azt hiszem, követik." Rebekah tells Nik in our home language.(Brother I think we're being followed.)

"Mit jelent, Bekah?" Nik looks around.(What do you mean, Bekah?)

How did she sense me. I have followed Nik over the last few decades and he has never sensed me. Hell even while Kol was with him I was never found out. Actually I knew I wasn't the only one following Nik. Our so called father was following him as well. Mikael was out to kill us all but he wanted to start with Nik and I. I was smarter than him you see the witch he is using to locate Nik is also working for me. So he never knows where I am. I'm the only one he can't find and it pisses him off.

"Úgy értem, valaki, akit mindketten tudunk, közel van. Csak nem tudom, ki az." She tells him.(I mean someone we both know is close. I just don't know who it is.)

"What are you guys talking about?" Stefan finally speaks up.

"Don't worry about it, mate." He looks at Stefan. "Go back to drinking we'll be right back."

"Okay whatever you say." Stefan replies.

"Nem lehet Kol és Finn, mert mindkettő koporsó. Ariának, Illésnek vagy atyánknak kell lennie. Ha ez az utolsó, akkor most mozognunk kell." Nik tells Bekah once they're outside.(It can't be Kol and Finn because they are both in coffins. It has to be Aria, Elijah, or our father. If it's the last one we have to move now.)

"Nem, ha az apa lenne, a veszélyt érzékelném, és nem. Mikor láttad utoljára Éliát és Ariát?" She looks at him.(No if it was father I would sense danger and I don't. When was the last time you seen Elijah and Aria?)

"Még mindig azt mondom, hogy el kell hagynunk. Tizenöt évvel ezelőtt láttam Illést, és nem láttam Ariát, mióta megöljük Katerina családját. Illés megmutatta volna nekünk, hogy ne legyen ő. Aria talán nem akarja, hogy meglátjuk minket. Lehet, hogy utólag kioltottam." He says.(I still say we should leave. I seen Elijah fifteen years ago and I haven't seen Aria since we killed Katerina's family. Elijah would've shown himself to us so it can't be him. Aria might not want to be seen by us. I might have pissed her off afterwards.)

"Hát, ha Aria lesz, nem akarja látni a bátyját?" She asks.(Well if it happens to be Aria don't you want to see her brother?)

"De a kérdés az, hogy akar-e látni minket?" He admits.(I do but the question is does she want to see us?)

Did Nik actually want to see me or was it a trap to stake me? I think.

"Nik, ha te és Bekah őszintén szeretnéd látni, hogy találkozol engem a Gloria bárjában. Nincs játék Niklaus vagy én nem jelenik meg." I say loud enough for him to hear.(Nik, if you and Bekah want to honestly want to see me meet me at Gloria's Bar. No playing games Niklaus or I will not show up.)

"Bekah did you hear that?" Nik looks around.

"Did she just say Gloria's Bar? How do we know when to meet her there?" She looks impatient.

"Menj Gloria bárjába harminc perc alatt, és ott leszek. Először megszabaduljon cégétől, Niklaus." I smile at my sisters antics.(Go to Gloria's Bar in thirty minutes and I'll be there. Get rid of your company first Niklaus.)

"Hamarosan nővére." He smiles.(See you soon sister.)


Gloria welcomed me with open arms. She had a huge grin on her face when I walked in. I rolled my eyes at her. She was a fantastic friend but she was a little crazy.

"Izzy dear what have you been doing? Been a while since I've seen you." She smiles.

"Gloria I've been well. Yeah don't get into these parts much anymore." I say.

"What can I help you with?" She asks.

"Nothing Gloria. I'm meeting my brother and sister here." I tell her.

"What brother?" She looks at me.

"Niklaus. Don't worry nothing is going to happen." I shake my head.

"Fine if so you and I will no longer be friends." She says going back to her office.

I ordered a drink and waited for them to show up. I thought back to when our family was all together. Finn had been in the coffin for a while now. Kol has been in and out now same with Bekah. No one except me knew our youngest brother, Henrik, was alive. Elijah and I have always kept our distance from him.

"Sister it is really you." Bekah smiles.

"Ah, I was wondering when you guys were going to show up. Brother how have you been?" I raise my drink to them.

"Aria." Nik nods.

"Itt azt hittem, hogy látni akarsz.  Azt hiszem, el fogok menni és távozni. Örülök, hogy meglátogatják a húgodat. Szeretném mondani ugyanezt nektek Niknak." I say standing up.(Here I thought you wanted to see me. I guess I will go ahead and leave. Nice seeing you sister. Wish I could say the same for you Nik.)

"Sister don't leave please. I've missed you. Don't listen to Nik you know how he is." Bekah begs me.

"Csak akkor maradok, ha Nik akarja. Nem kényszerítem vissza magam az életébe." I look at Nik.(I will only stay if Nik wants me to. I'm not forcing myself back into his life.)

"Nővérem, mit akartál látni. Van helyem, és az emberek megölni. Ha nem fontos, visszamegyek a barátomhoz és elmegyek." Nik says.(Sister, what did you want to see us for. I've got places to be and people to kill. If it's not important I'm going back to my friend and leaving.)

"Jó, akkor elhagyom! Figyelmeztetni fogom, hogy most nővérem, hogy Nik-hoz ragaszkodni fogsz, vagy akár a koporsóban, akár meg fogsz halni." I disappear from there.(Fine then I'm leaving! I'm going to warn you now sister that sticking with Nik you will either end up back in the coffin or you will die.)


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