Chapter 1

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Niklaus and I were waiting for our brother, Elijah, to get back with Katerina Petrova. Niklaus wanted to break this stupid curse our mother put on him. You see my brother, Nik, is part wolf part vampire therefore making him a hybrid. I'm also a hybrid since I'm his twin, but when I was human I was a witch, so therefore I'm part witch, part vampire, and part wolf.

"Izzy diligens assumpto fratre tamdiu?" Nik asks. (Izzy, love what is taking our brother so long?)

"Quomodo scio Nik? Qui misit ad congregandos Katerina eras. Dixi vobis: et mansit hic ut Ive '." I look at him. (How would I know Nik? You were the one who sent him to gather Katerina. I told you she should've stayed here.)

A moment later we saw Elijah's carriage coming towards the house. Nik started pacing back and forth waiting for our guest and brother to get out. When Elijah was the only one who exited the carriage I had to put my hand on Nik's arm to keep him calm.

"Tune Missa Petrova quis est? Quare non est tecum? Si sic mihi posuit super eam effugere?" Nik starts. (Elijah, where is Miss Petrova? Why is she not with you? So help me if you helped her escape!)

"Nik, dabo ei casu loqui. Non ad eius auxilium, si habes hic frater habitus." I tell him looking at Elijah. (Nik, give him a chance to speak. Its not going to help if you have this attitude brother.)

"Thomas Katerina potum dedi sanguinem eius, et conatus est fugiendum. Rose captus eius et tulit eam ad Cameram. Per tempus EGO got se ibi non pependissent. Trevor scriptor systema est mortua est in sanguinem. Cumque venisset iam non circa." Elijah explains. (Trevor fed Katerina his blood and she tried to run away. Rose caught her and took her back to the cabin. By time I got there she had hung herself. She died with Trevor's blood in her system. When I arrived he was no longer around.)

"Ita vis dicere quod nunc mihi unum atque unicum Petrova Doppelganger vampire? Soror, carissimi, Bulgaria vsque ad iter velis mecum?" He looks at me. (So, you mean to tell me that the one and only Petrova doppelganger is now a vampire? Sister, dear, would you like to travel to Bulgaria with me?)

I knew exactly what he wanted to go to Bulgaria for. He told Katerina that if she were to run or something were to happen to her that he would kill everyone she ever cared for. She came from Bulgaria alone so we knew her family was still there.

"Frater, occidere me tu petis Katerina familia est tecum?" I ask smirking. (Brother, are you asking me to kill Katerina's family with you?)

That was the last the Petrova's were ever heard of. We did find out later that she had a child out of wedlock. So now all we had to do was wait for another doppelganger to be born. This was going to take forever.


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