Chapter 7

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Previously on 2 Lives, 1 Girl: "Soha nem fogod megtudni, hacsak nem engem kibaszott! Soha nem csináltam neked egy rohadt dolgot, és kibaszottam a fenébe. Hogy érezné magát, hogy rángatsz téged a hátába, és koporsóba téged? Több évig is hozzáadhatok." I look at him seriously.(You'll never find out unless you let me fucking go! I've never done a damn thing to you and I get fucking stabbed in the damn back. How would you feel about me stabbing you in the back and put you in a coffin? For several years I might add.)

"Nem merted, mert megölök! Kihagyom, ha megadja a testvérek testületeinek helyét. Feltételezem, hogy még mindig tévedtek, mivel nem találtam meg a tőröket." He glares.(You wouldn't dare because I would kill you! I'll let you out once you give me the location of our brothers bodies. I'm assuming they are still daggered since I haven't found the daggers.)

I laugh and leave the dream. I wouldn't tell Nik a damn thing unless he let me go. And knowing him he would let me go soon since I know the location of our brothers.

Chapter 7: Meeting my mate


It's been a long several years since I've been in the coffin haunting the hell out of my brother. Every night when he goes to sleep I start messing with things in his room. Sometimes I go into his dreams and mess with him. He doesn't know it's me as he never sees who it is. I've talked to Henri several times since and he's watching over my mate since I can't be there for him. He's helped him out of the mess he was in and now my mate is looking for the bitch who changed him. I had fun messing with her as well. She needs to know she fucked with the family. Its modern days now and I know I'll be getting out soon.

I watch Nik lay down and wait for him to get in a deep sleep before goung into his dreams. Time for him to see who's been fucking with him for over two hundered years. Its going to be fun seeing his face. I go into his dreams and hide in the shadows.

"Készen állsz arra, hogy találkozzon azzal, aki évekig kínozta magát? Évtizedek is." I watch as he looks around.(Are you ready to meet the one who has been torturing you for years? Decades even.)

"Ária? Te vagy az? Miért csináltad ezt velem? Én vagyok a testvérem, az ikrek, és az átkozott véred! Megérdemlek téged több tiszteletet. Basszus!" He says.(Aria? Is that you? Why have you been doing this to me? I'm your brother, your twin, and your damn blood! I deserve more respect from you. Damn it!)

"Ismeri Brother-t, akit mondhatnék ugyanarra. Az Ön oldalán álltam, hogy mennyi ideig nem álltunk ellene az Ön kívánságaival. Azt hiszed, én vagyok az, aki vonzza az Atyák figyelmét, de te vagy az, aki ezt csinálja. Meg akarja védeni magát és a családját tőle, de mindenkit el akarsz vezetni. Ha elengedné, hogy segítsek, és vissza tudnánk kapni az összes testvérünket. Még Freya, aki a nagynénjeinkkel van." I walk out of the shadows.(You know Brother I could say the same for you. I stood by your side for how long without ever going against your wishes. You think I'm the one who is attracting Fathers attention, but it is you who is doing that. You want to protect yourself and the family from him, but you're just going to drive everyone away. If you'd let me go I would be able to help and we could get all of our siblings back. Even Freya who is with our aunt.)

"Apja mindannyian halottat akar! Ha nem talál meg minket, akkor nem ölhet meg minket! Freya? Nincs ilyen nővérünk. Aria, azt hiszem elvesztette," he says.(Father wants us all dead! If he can't find us then he can't kill us! Freya? We don't have a sister by that name. Aria, I think you've lost it.)

"Igazán? Megpróbálja visszahozni az Anyát, és mindannyian tudjuk, hogyan érzi magunkat. A finn lehet a kedvence, de ha megérkeztünk az oldalunkra, megnyerhetjük ezt. Kérlek, kérlek, kérlek Nik. Esküszöm, hogy visszahozzuk a családunkat, és boldogok leszünk. Hamarosan megtörhetjük az átokot, és minden vissza fog térni a normálisra!" I beg him.(Really? He's trying to bring Mother back and we all know how she feels about us. Finn may be her favorite, but if we get him on our side we can win this. You need to undagger me please Nik. I swear we'll get our family back and be happy. We can break the curse soon and everything will go back to normal!)

"Megszakítja az átkot? Hogyan törjük meg az átkot, ha nincs doppelgangerünk. Ha azt tervezi, hogy visszahozza az anyát, akkor mindannyian halottak vagyunk. Finn is lesz. Miért akarod, hogy elveszítsem? Tudja, hol vannak a testvéreink? Elrejti őket tőlem?" He asks.(Break the curse? How would we break the curse when we have no doppelganger. If he plans on bringing mother back then we're all dead. Finn will be as well. Why do you want me to undagger you? Do you know where our brothers are? Are you hiding them from me?)

I finally convinced him to let me go. I left his dream with promises of being undaggered the next morning.


I was watching my brother talk to a blonde that I remember meeting when he was in Ripper mode. It was the last time I saw Isa. I watch from the shadows and see Isa walk up to the blonde and my brother.

"Sister, do you know where the eldest Salvatore brother is?"

"Isabelle? When did you get here?"

"Isa?" I ask coming out of the shadows

"Mister Salvatore, I told you I would be seeing you again soon," she says walking over to me.

"You did." I take her hand.

A/N: I know it's been a while since I've wrote, but I've got over 40 other stories I'm working on. Please let me know what you think about this chapter. Til next time....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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