There is gentle illumination in this nighttime I see; it's encasing the whispering night with faded tranquility. The forest is singing its nighttime song. The foxes snuggle and rustle around and the oxen's haunting echo is long. My toes are lapped by sparkling water, which reflects the billions of glistening stars like it's a source of light itself, or maybe it's filled with a thousand laughters...
You wade from the ethereal pool, moonlight transforming your skin into a faultless array of silver, and white. You wrap your arms around me, so beautifully strong, and I clench my naked knees tight. "You wild thing." You say, "stop wandering my dreams." But you are the most wonderful thing I've ever seen. Droplets (still with light in them) cling to your wide chest, like falling stars. I'm falling far, it's a fine job you've caught me, and your eyes shine with the endless stars' faultless light. "Stop wandering mine." I at last reply. You like that. You smile; it lasts a while. Overhead fizzles a shooting star across the lucid night like the tail lights of a car. And the forest breathes again, enchanted.
You shouldn't be able to smile and kiss me at the same time but manage it anyway, with a tender strength and lilting sway. "This is only a dream" I whisper, very close to your face. Your warm breath is enticing and my heart a frantic pace. "Little one." You chuckle, voice soft as a foxes growl. My legs fold around your glistening waist as you lift me off the ground. "A dream is only a dream until the earliest cuckoo sounds."
A tear escapes my light-filled eyes as the water laps our skin, we're waist deep in the pool of stars and soon it laps your chin.Brimming with sadness I kiss your lips, ignited by your touch, as we sink underneath a thousand stars, where in my dreams - it's only ever just us...
Poems for the Brave
PoetryThese poems are for those of us who need to be brave:) ***An autobiography through poetry***