Chapter 1 : A new start

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Image of Alex Walker
{Alex's P.O.V}

This story starts on a Monday my second year of a new high school  to be exact and  it goes like this..

I walked into my new school and got glares from everyone hearing whispers and giggles already. Did they know? I dropped my books, papers flew everywhere and everyone one laughed. I started to tear up thats when I was pushed into a corner being called names I started to cry. I heard a bell, no it wasnt a bell it was a ringing sound...a fire ? No... I ignored it until--

"ALEX WAKE UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE" My mother yelled making me sit up in bed, I was sweating from the nightmare I had. I was overreacting, This is a new beginning. I pound my fist onto my annoying alarm clock to shut it up.

I got up and walked to the bathroom looking into the mirror, I scrunched my face up looking at my reflection. I wasnt the best looking in my opinion..I have short brown hair that lays over my eyes and greenish blue eyes; I was also very skinny for being 17. It didnt really bother me though, I shrugged doing my morning routine.
Thats how my routine has always been since middle school. I go downstairs to leave to see my little sister trying to tie her shoes. I smiled softly, "Would you like help Alyssa?"

She looked up at me and shook her head no. "I almost got it! I did it yesterday, You can even ask mommy!"

I grinned watching her fumble with the laces but she finally did it. "Good Job Alyssa!" She grinned running off to probably to show Mom.

I slung my book bag over my shoulder looking in the mirror one last time before I left. I had my hair nicely combed but a little messy to add volume, I wore black skinny jeans with my baby blue T-shirt and black converse. I was ready.
As I approached the school doors my heart raced a little faster. I opened the door, no glares nor stares. I was finally blending in again! I grinned making my way to the main office to get my class schedule, I saw the lady I saw before when I got my transfer papers. She was really nice, she had short orange curly hair and had a great attitude. I also noticed this other cute no sexy teen who looked my age sitting out front of the principles office door, He had blond hair that was gelled up with a red plaid shirt. He gave me a weird vibe though?

"Hello Alex! Good to see you again, Here are your papers." She smiled. I thanked her. "I hope you dont mind, I have a girl coming down to show you around since you have some of your periods together."

"Yeah, Thats fine." I nodded my head waiting awkwardly at the desk till I notice a slim figure come into the office. It was a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a pretty cool pink beanie. She seemed like she would be rad to be around.

"This is Emma, she will be your tour guide for the day." The office lady smiled again before returning to her paperwork.

"Im Emma as you know, and Your Alex right ?" She looked away walking into the hallway.

"Yeah.." I weakly smiled, "so we have first period together im guessing ?" I looked at her rocking her outfit wishing I could do that one day.

"Yep! Lets go to your locker first" I nodded looking for locker 69. Of corse I got a cheesy locker number. I look at the locker to see a dick carved into the metal. I sighed before we put my books away and grabbed first period books witch was Math, I wasn't to siked about speaking that I hate math. I walked into the classroom to get looks from everyone...I was already feeling hella nervous.

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