Chapter 3 : Isolation

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Image of Jordan Gilbert
633 words

{Alex's P.O.V}


My arms wobbled as they got tired and my knees got sore. I knelt my head down looking down at the ground. Why did this have to happen.. My arms and legs gave up from staying in table form and collapsed.

Now how did I get here..
"Thanks guys, your awesome." I smiled, my smile soon faded to find see somebody who I didnt want to see. My heart ached, my life is over, and so is my reputation...

"Well..Well..Well Mr.Walker is a queer now is he? And in the closet ?! Even better. Wait till the school hears this." He grinned.

"BACK OFF JORDAN." Emma yelled.

"Emma its fine...Jordan want do you want from me?" I shuttered clenching my fist.

"I want your reputation." He said coldly.

"What can I do to keep this between us about what you heard.." I said lowly.

"Alex...." Emma mumbled.

"You have to listen to me as my slave." He grins walking up to me poking my chest.

"Dont do this Alex.." I heard Kyle from behind.

I lowered my head in defeat. "Bow down to me." Jordan snickered. I sighed slowly lowing my self on one knee bowing. Jordan grinned, "glad we could come to an agreement. I would like to meet you after school." He kicked my shin hard marking me with a bruise. With that he walked off. I sat on the grass and buried my head in my knees.

"Alex, You didnt have to do that." Sasha rubbed my back bending down next to me.

"Yeah we could fought off the whole school for you if we had to." Kyle smiled weakly.

"Its no use they will always find a way to hurt me for being gay.." I murmured.

"Its true...we arnt always in his classes." Emma sighed.

I stood up and left for fifth period art with Sasha following behind quietly. "You can go im going to use the bathroom.." I left her and entered the bathroom looking into the mirror. 'Im doomed..' I fixed my hair and went to art. There I saw no sign of Jordan, that was a big relief. The rest of the day I felt like I was one step closer to walking to my grave. I existed the school to see Jordan waiting.

"Took you long enough." He grunted throwing his book bag to me. "Carry it." He started to walk off.

"W-Where are you going?!" I called out.

"Were, going to my house." I narrowed my eyes as we made the long trek to his place. "Here." He said opening door to a nicely small cabin sized house but it reeked of cigarettes and beer. I walked in slowly, behind him. "Kneel on the ground. All fours." I sat there for what felt like ages as he did his homework on my back. I felt like crying honestly, my mom thinks im at one of my new friends house. I hung my head low, this was wrong, but I shouldn't complain my old school was far worse. After awhile my arms grew weak and my knees were sore, I collapsed to the floor tiredly. "Heh, your so pathetic at least I finished my homework 10 minuets ago before you collapsed. You can leave now." He kicked my side shoving me out. I slung my bag over my shoulder as I slowly made my way home. I opened my front door to be greeted by my sister.

"Hi Big Brother, where you been all day?" She looked at me.

"Ive uh been at at friends." I weakly smiled making m way up to my room. I locked myself in there all day ignoring my mothers calls to come out for dinner or my friends text.

I was Isolated.

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