Chapter 24: Bring on the next chapter

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{Alex's P.O.V}

October 31, Halloween is today, The night where kids all around are out knocking on other peoples doors for candy. I used to go out all the time but now I found myself out front of my boyfriends not only on Halloween but his birthday. I blushed at the thought of the words he said last time, 'I want you.' I knocked on his door to have him open it, "Hey. Happy Birthday." I blushed. 

Even though we have been together for months i still get butterfly's in my stomach around him,and i loved that. "Hey baby, thank you." He kissed my forehead. 

"I got you something.." I took off my bag and started to unzip it taking out a small box. "I knew you said I didnt have to get you anything but I did."

"Lets open it inside then." We headed inside and sat on the sofa, I then watch him open the box slowly revealing two rings. Promise rings. "Alex...Its perfect." We sat there exchanging rings, these were our promise rings for the rest of our lives and they were.


I looked up from my papers that were our highschool report we did and decided to end it there. "Im gonna end it here.. but there is so much more, This was a piece of not only my past but our past, we have been though so much together only to thing a few years ago we were exchanging promise rings to now exchange wedding rings.. Your not only my lover, your my bestfriend, and bully." I looked up to meet the blue eyes of my future husband, Jordan Gilbert. 

"You now may exchange rings now." 

I took his hand and place the ring on it and he took my placing the ring on mine aswell. 

"I now pronounce you husband and husband... you now may kiss...the uh bride..?" 

I lightly laughed before locking lips with Jordan, my husband.

We turned and walked down the isle looking at our family and friends cheering us on. My little sister who isnt so little anymore has grown up so much.. My mother staying strong on her own after dumping Daves ass. Emma and her Wife Jane....Kyle and his girlfriend Sasha yes Kyle and Sasha hit it off believe it or not so much has changed in a good way... Jordan's father stopped smoking and drinking and got a better job, and he was proud of his son even though he came out as gay. We came out of the church and into his car driving down the street with our Just married cans dangling and clashing behind before going home, we wanted to make a stop.

We turned down a few streets and started walking down this trail stopping infront of the stone that lays before us, Elizabeth Gilbert's grave. We crouched infront of her grave and smiled, Jordan wiped his tears before speaking. "Mom, Meet my husband Alex."  

Through think and thin my friends were there for me in my high school years without them i would have been drowning in my problems alone. I learned you cant always solve problems alone and my friends surely showed me that. 

Jordan looked back at me holding my hand tightly. "I never thought Id be spending the rest of my life with someone I used to bully...Ten years ago i would have never thought I would be here with you, I wanna stay like this for many more too." He kissed my lips.

"I promise." I smiled pulling out my promise ring I put on a chain from around my neck.

"Me too." 

To many more years together, I will be living with not only my Husband but my Bestfriend and Bully... I love him. Lets bring on the next chapter of our lives.

A/N I decided to end the story here I hoped you guys enjoyed this lil story, i wanna thank everyone for the comments and votes. It means alot!!! 

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