Chapter 13 : What's going on

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Warning Depressing Chapter have tissues ready!


{Jordan's P.O.V}

"I love you Dumbass!" Alex yelled tightening his grip on the broom. I sighed, why does he love me; after all that I put him through. I continued to clean the lockers till we were told we could go. He went his way across the street as usual and I turned down the school ally. I turned the corner to have my heart crushed, there I saw my girlfriend locking lips with Gavin. I walked by not looking at them, "Hannah, were through." I said continuing to walk down the ally. "Wait Jordan I can explain!" She grabbed my arm. "There is nothing to explain, you were clearly locking lips with another guy, honestly I thought you were better that that." I pulled my arm away from her grasp and walked home. I opened the door to my home and sighed. "Is anybody home?" I called out. No answer. I shrugged putting my bag down by the door and made my way to the living room to see my dad on the ground. "Dad? DAD?!" I ran over to him and knelt down with shaky hands shaking him. No response. "Fuck..." I put my hand and ear on his chest to check if his heart is still pumping. I finally heard a weak response, I was shaking at this point as I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

We were rushed to the hospital and I had to wait in the waiting room for what felt like ages till I was told I could see him. I walked in his room with a doctor. "What was wrong with him..?" I said lowly. "He appeared to have had an overdose on pills.. but we saved him in time" The doctor said softly, "Ill leave you too alone for a bit.." He left the room leaving me and my sleeping Dad alone. I sat beside his bed and sighed. "You, fucking scared me old man... Ever since we lost mom.. we haven't been our best, I don't know what I would have done if you left me too..." I paused trying not to cry. "Dad we need to be strong for Mom.. She would want us to be..." I wiped the tears that fell from my face. "Its the least we can do." I cried silently next to his bed in the palms of my hands.


I woke up to the white ceilings of the hospital and the blinding sun, I told the nurses ill stay the night since they were keeping my father for one more night. I look over at my father awake in bed still and emotionless as ever, that's the first ive seen him like that. "Im sorry.." he spoke softly. I let a sigh escape my lips as I burry my face in my palms again. "You scared me...Don't do that again."

I was sent home early from my uncle who came to the hospital to check up on the situation. I grabbed my phone and headphones and headed to the park to work out again like always not realizing I had on the same outfit since yesterday. I made my way over to the monkey bars to do some pull ups when I saw a small girl with long brown silky hair trying to make her way across; below her making sure she didn't get hurt was Alex, I assume her brother. I walked up next to him. "Hey." I said lowly. He jumped and looked at me, "Oh uh hey.." He said moving slowing along to the right following his sister. "Can we talk about Friday?" I said running my hand through my hair. "Not now with my sister around...." He said softly close to a whisper. I nodded, "Wanna come back around 4 then..?" I mumbled. "Sure." I left him be with his sister and went home instead of staying and went to my room. "Shit... im still wearing the cloths from yesterday.." through the hours to four I got ready and showered and whatnot. It was only 2 when I got a text from Alex. "Can we meet at the park now..? I have to babysit later" I replied back a sure and made my way back to the small public park. My eye came across the brunette sitting in a tree, I took a deep breath, "Yo..." 

"Hey... What did you wanna talk about." He said brushing his hand through his hair across his forehead. "Why would you say a thing like loving me?" I said while watching him smile jumping down from the tree leaning. "Cause I do." He crossed his arms. I started to get angry. "But why?! Do you remember I hurt you, spilt your secret." I clenched my fist. "I know, but I fell inlove with your personality, your real one." I huffed, "But why?!?!" I started to raise my voice not accepting the fact of my true feelings. "Because I do." He calmly said. I burst "Gah- Walker! You make me- sooo-!!!" I grabbed his shoulders smashing my lips onto his. I pulled away frustrated. "Heh, I should get you angry more often." Alex chimed. I grunted looking away with a red face. "It was a mistake..." I mumbled. Alex looked confused, "What do you mean?" I slighted laughed putting a forced smile on, "I mean, I only kissed you cause im frustrated, With my girlfriend cheating on me, my dad in the hospital. Meeting you was a mistake." I ran my hand through my hair feeling like such an idiot, "Like a guy like me could like someone like you." Alex put his arms down and stood off the tree I couldn't see his eye's through his hair that laid over them but tears were visibly rolling down , "I don't understand you, Hiding your true feelings. That's embarrassing. I wont stop liking you, you know why cause I fell inlove with you and your bitchy attitude, you act tough in school but your actually a softy." His fist tightened but then softened he smiled, "Yeah im sure you mother would be proud of you messing with someone else's feelings." His hand came across my face causing many streams of pain coursing through my body. I looked back up to see him down the street wiping his face continuously. Sharp pains weren't just coming from the side of my red face but from my heart, I grabbed my shirt infront of where my heart is looking at the brunettes figure get smaller and smaller till it was gone.

I decided to make a visit... to my mother.

I sighed trailing through the paths of the cemetery to my mothers grave. Elizabeth Gilbert. I sighed placing the flower I picked from the park on her grave while taking a seat in front of her. "Mom... there is so much that has happened the past weeks... Where do I start.." I sat there for countless hours talking about how I met Alex and whats been going on then dad in the hospital. "I miss you so much and don't know what to do now that your gone, you would know how to exactly help me... What should I do. Please help me.." I cried out.  

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