Chapter 15: Taking a stand

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{Jordan's P.O.V}

There I was inching towards frightened Alex against the wall in the back of the room with my heart pounding faster and louder by the second. I stopped infront of him and took a deep breath "Sorry.." I said turning around barricading Alex now facing the crew who used to be my only friends, "But I cant do that." I looked up at them with my arms wide open. "Jordan.." I heard Alex whimper in terror behind me.

Jared growled lowly looking at me in disgust, "Why not he's a fag!" He clenched his fist taking a step forward. "That shouldn't matter!!!" I yelled keeping my ground. "Look what this queer is doing to you!!! Your turning into the softy you were in middle school... Wee-Wee Jordy." Jared said sternly chuckling at the end. My blood boiled and my nostrils flared, he brought back painful memories that should have never been brought up again. "Now, Get out of my way Jordan!" He gritted out lowly with rising temper in his voice inching closer reaching in his back pocket. "No!" I shouted again. "I didnt want to have to do this to who I thought was our leader, my bestfriend...." He pulled out his pocket knife flipping the blade.

"Woah! Woah!! Jared dont you think your taking this a bit to far?!" His gang turned unsteady and weary of Jared's next move. "Not at all." Jared mumbled. Its clear he lost his mind and he is a clear homophobic psychopathic. He inched closer holding up his pocket knife, "Woah woah!!! Calm down Jared!!! Lets settle things." I said shakily. Jared swung his knife nicking some skin on my cheek witch quickly started to turn red with blood I quickly held my face in slight pain. "J-Jared!!" His gang shakily said watching him inch closer to me holding my bloody check when he was grabbed by the others holding him down. "GO!!!" They yelled, I grabbed Alex's hand running out of the school panting heavily to his house.

There I sat on his sofa while he patched my check up. He looked up in my eyes softly smiling, "Thank you for standing up for me.." He said weakly looking away. The way he looked at me sent my heart nearly threw my rib cage, my mind went numb for a second, "C-Can you kiss it better..?" I said softly waiting for his reaction. He was surprised looking back at me with teary eyes. Fuck what am I doing... "First your kissing me saying it was a joke, then your telling me lets stay friends now your telling me to kiss you! Why are you doing this to me?! What do you want!?!?" Tears streamed down his face I could feel nothing but guilt rising in me, I wiped his tears away with my thumb. Finally I was accepting my true feelings...He is what I want. "Im sorry... Im so stupid but, I realized all along I really wanted you." I held his chin with my index finger and thumb about to pull him into a kiss when- "Nii-Sannnn!!!"

{Alex's P.O.V}

"Im sorry... Im so stupid but, I realized all along I really wanted you." My heart pounded unbelievable fast with my emotions going crazy. He really said he wants me back! I could just die im so happy. He held my chin up with his index finger and thumb slowly pulling me in for a kiss when- "Nii-Sannnn!!!" My little sister came running into the house into the living room where we were when I shoved Jordan to the other side of the sofa. "Hello Alyssa." I awkwardly said getting weird looks from Jordan. "Im going back out to play with George at his house!!! Byee!!" She ran up to her room before I could say anything else then back out the front door. "Niisan?" Jordan said confused. I blushed embarrassed, "u-uh its a anime term...I told her to call me that..." I covered my red face unable to bare the humiliation. Thats when i heard soft chuckles, "SHUT UPPPPP!!" I cried out irradiatedly. "Lets start on our project in my room." I got up from the sofa only to be pulled back down ontop of him. "W-What are you doing?!" I stuttered our faces inches away.

"I have a question..? Are we uh, a thing now..?" He asked avoiding my eyes. "W-well I would hope we can be.." I mumbled. He laughed, "Dork." He flicked my forehead, "Now get off me we got to catch up on this shitty project." I smiled getting off him linking my hand with his while my other held my bookbag as I lead him up the stairs into my room.

Together we wrote more of our project happy with what we wrote down, "Today we put our differences beside and became boyfriends."

My life has finally taken a turn for the better or so I thought...

Thats when I heard a knock on the door. "Ill get it. Ill be back." I softly said to my new boyfriend. I shivered at the sensation at finally being able to say he is MY boyfriend! I skipped down the stairs swinging the door open to be face to face with Emma, My grin only grew. "Emma! Good timing! Ive got great news!!!" exclaimed nearly over exploding in joy.

She looked at me very confused but nodded for me to go on, "Im finally dating Jordan!!" I couldn't hold back my overjoying smile that went ear to ear. She pulled back her hands with a upsetting look making me certainly confused. "Why? He did all those horrible things to you?!" She looked down at my front step pavement clenching her fist. "Shouldnt you be happy for me...?" I asked my smile started to fade. How can I be happy for you when I have a feeling he is just gonna hurt you again?!" She started to yell. "Why are you so concerned?!" I raised my voice. "Because I love you!!!" Tears streamed down her face and nothing but guilt filled my body watching her run off down the street. I sat on the step she was standing on with my head buried in my hands. W-why would she say that why would she fall inlove with me when she knows in gay...Just as I thought things were going to get better.

"Alex..?" Jordan sat beside me. I looked in his eyes just so confused and lost knowing he heard everything. He wrapped his big arms around me engulfing me in his warmth. I held back onto him calming down against his chest believe it or not his smell really calmed me, He smelled like really good cologne with a hint of sweat but I didnt mind though. "Sure, life seems down like your trapped in a well but thats the good part." He pause so I pulled away from his grasp and I looked up at Jordan so confused at how stupid he may be or sounded just then. ''-Cause the only way out is up." I flicked his forehead snickering softly realizing where he was trying to go. He chuckled intertwining our fingers. I leaned my head on his shoulder closing my eyes when I heard a recognizable scream and bags drop. I open my eyes to see my mother. "YOU!! ALEX?!?! LIVING ROOM NOW!" My mother yelled scurrying to pick up the dropped grocery bags.

Yes my mother knew about my sexuality, no she didnt know that I started dating my bully. I cam only imagine what she has to say. Maybe something among the lines like..

'Alex why would you ever date someone who hurt you?!'

' If you ever lay another finger on my son!!!'

I shivered on the sofa probably paler than I normally looked and I was pretty pale. Jordan tightened his grip on my hand, he seemed nervous too. Especially that he is meeting my mother for the first time.

My mother entered the room and Jordan struck up straight as a pole sticking out his hand, "H-Hello im J-Jordan Gilbert." I could tell he was a train wreck of nervousness. My mother walked passed him, "Sit down you fool." taking a seat across from us. I was practically trembling slightly like a small dog. "Alex." My mother calmly said. I sat up straight, "Y-Yes!" I said loud and clear.

Now my mother wasnt always the scary type she used to be shy and always had a good vibe but after my left my father she was still nice and caring but if you messed with her she could now do a number on you that you would never forget. I learnt that the hard way after having my phone thrown out the window by her because I didnt do the dishes... It took me a long time to save up for a new one with the work I was doing for my grandparents.

"How long had this-" She waved her finger to both me and Jordan. "-Been going on for." I hesitantly built up the courage to talk but when I opened my mouth nothing came out. "We started dating today ma'am.." Jordan spoke up for me. Thank goodness. "Ah, I see." She nodded, "Jordan? In this relationship you will never-NEVER hurt my son again. You understand?" She said sternly standing up. "Y-Yes Ma'am. Ive changed for the better." Jordan shakily said. "Alex. Your sister should be back soon from her friends make sure to watch her again tonight. Im going out with Dave again." She went into the kitchen most likely to prepare dinner for me and my sister that we can heat up later.

I let out a sigh and so did Jordan. "Do you think I made a good first impression..?" Jordan gave a sheepish smile at me. I snickered softly, "This wasnt your first impression.. Remember when I was covered in paint and the-" I was shushed by Jordans finger on my lip and him glancing around to see if my mother was around. "Okay, i remember now.." He pulled away his finger nervously scratching the back of his head lightly laughing. This was the real Jordan, not the bad-ass he acted like in school. He was the softy, who was put in the wrong crowds.

This big blond idiot with the blue eyes perfectly toned skin and sexy body is my boyfriend, and my boyfriend only.

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