Chapter 11: Backstabbing Betrayal

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{Jordan's P.O.V}


A few days passed without Alex, It was thursday and Alex still didnt come back. I ignored that fact since he was no more than a stranger or classmate to me. Today I was gonna bring him any missing work he missed and see how he is doing at least. As I walked into the school, many people stared and giggled at me. This was the first time ive ever seen this happen to me, ever since middleschool... I shook it off and proceeded to my locker when I heard whispers. These whispers were no ordinary whispers. I heard my name, countless numbers of times. Thats when I heard "So the great King finally is out in the open." I look over and see a tall blond staring at me grinning. "What the hell do you mean?" I glared back at this kid. "Oh, heh. You mean to tell me you didnt hear that everyone knows about you and your achloholic father and sad uncle, in the tiny cabin you live in!" He and others laughed mockingly at me. I clenched my fist and punched him, then grabbed him by the collar. "WHO TOLD YOU THIS!!!!" My blood was boiling and I was going to ruin whoevers life when I find out who. "G-Gavin...Told me Alex Walker told him..." I let him go and storm through the halls and try searching for Gavin. He was dead to me so was that twerp I thought I trusted. I saw Gavin when Hannah ran into me, "Is everything everyone is saying true?!" She held my hands looking up at me. I looked away, "Im not sure if everyyy thing they are saying is true, but ive heard some things that are." I sighed unable to actually believe this is happening. She hugged me and told me it was going to be okay, I couldnt help but smile. She left for first period and by the time I went to look back at Gavin he was long gone. Ill be sure to catch him when I have the chance.

{Alex's P.O.V}

I woke up still a bit sore from yesterday but I felt a lot better. I sat up in bed looking around my room, It was a light baby blue with some anime posters aligned nicely along the walls, I glanced over in the mirror on the other side of my room looking into my reflection. My brown hair was a mess and my face was a bit swollen but mom said it would go down over night if I keep icing it properly. I looked away at the mirror and looked at my arm bandaged up. Im guessing one of my scars broke open...I wonder how mom felt about seeing that. I sighed when I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I said softly. My little sister can in with a tray of food and a card, I was a bit confused of why my mother didn't take her to school today but I shrugged it off and waited for her to make her wy over, "This is for you, Please get better big brother." Her big blue eyes glistened looking into my aqua ones handing me the tray of eggs, toast, and bacon next to her hand made card. "Thank you Alyssa." I smiled placing the tray onto my lap, "Would you like to watch cartoons with me?" I waved the remote in my hand watching her face lighten up and she gleefully crawls on my bed next to me getting cozy. I flick on the small box TV in my room near my bed and change the channel to Looney Toons . We watched and talked as I munched on my breakfast soon she was fast asleep. I slithered out from her arms and grabbed the tray taking it downstairs. I met my mother in the kitchen doing the dishes, "Mom?"

"Hpm?" she doesn't look up as she cleans a pan. "Why didn't you send Alyssa to school today?" I asked. "She refused to go because she was worried sick about you." She looked up to have our eyes meet my aqua ones with her green ones. "Alex. Did you cut not to long ago?" She puts the sponge down. I tried to ignore her question by rounding the counter and placing the tray in front of her in the sink. "ALEX!" She grabs my wrist with the bandages on them making me wince. "OKAY, YES I did. its nothing big I just over reacted...It was a mistake." I sighed pulling my arm back to my chest. "Alex you said that every time, Why did you do it?" she said with more concern raising her voice. "It was because of Jordan, b-but were fine now I promise!" I said. "Jordan?! That kid who caused you trouble on your first day, Alex?!!" She started to get angry. "Mom look everything is fine!!!" I spoke up. "Al'" my mother was cut off, "Mommy." Alyssa yawned tiredly. My mother sighed irritatedly at the bad timing of my little sister but her expression softened, "Yes honey?" She said with a slight tone that she didn't mean. "Please don't yell a big brother, he is hurting-" I face palmed, "WAS HURTING." I walked out of the room irritated now going up the stairs I heard my phone going off in my room, I ran up and clicked answer before reading who was calling me.

"Hello?" I said. "ALEX!" I heard screaming through the phone, "You told Gavin everything about me didn't you?!" The voice came clear to me, It was Jordan. He was pissed, "WELL?!" I took a deep breath, "Im sorry I couldn't do anything about it! They trapped me in a bathroom and punched everything out of me! Why do you think im not in school today?!" I yelled into the phone. "I don't know maybe to hide from me?!" He yelled. "Look im sorry!!-" I heard him chuckle, "Oh you will be sorry when I tell the school about you during lunch right about now-." The phone call ended and my heart was sunken into my stomach and I was shaking as horrible thoughts flashed back and forth I was hyperventilating my breathing was horribly un-paced and my eyes were so watery I couldn't see so I dropped to the floor hugging my knees next to my bed, I couldn't focus till I felt tiny hands hold mine. I looked up and had my tears wiped away, My sister was holding onto me like her life depended on it. My breathing calmed eventually and I was still shaking slightly. What am I going to do.


It was around the late afternoon I got a text from Emma,Sasha, and Kyle.

''Hey can we talk? !" -Sasha

"Alex! Jordan is telling everybody your gay and how you give good Bj's ;-;' Were here to help you OKAY?" - Emma

"Hey.. We gotta talk." - Kyle

I stared at the text countless numbers of times but I didn't reply I didn't have the strength. I never did..

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