Chapter 6 : Opposing Views

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{Jordan's P.O.V} 
Friday into Saturday
Its been almost a full week since Ive laid my eyes on a scrawny brunette. Something about his bitchy attitude and annoying smile makes my blood boil and heart race. That day when I saw him in Mr Willakers class something about him made me interested to know more about him: but everytime I saw him my blood boiled and I would hurt him.

Im known as the king, not the popular kind of king, the snobby rude kind as ''they say''. This was given to me officially  when I broke this kids nose for calling me that. About that I started picking on kids to I guess protect myself, some say im just running away from my own problems, but its been this way since I first came here. At first it was to show people not to mess with me but then it became somewhat amusing watching people suffer like I did in middle school. So when I laid eyes on Alex something made my blood rush, my heart race, and my adrenaline pumping. He was interesting, and brave for talking back to a guy like me.

"Earth To Jordan!" I was snapped out of thought by Alex's hand on my shoulder catching me off gaurd, I blushed.

"Dont touch me.." I hissed swatting his hand away returning to wiping the pale tables. The whole session we stayed quiet while he played his weird music witch wasnt to bad but ive heard better. Something in me wanted to do something to him but I couldnt bring myself to do it.

The Janitor told us we could leave so we walked down the vacant halls in silence as our footsteps echoed off the walls. I step out parting ways with this strange brunette on my way home to my empty house.. Home... Ive never liked home, ever since mom died dad has been a wreck trying to get his life together but he drinks and smokes too much. My uncle Pete gave my dad a job at his factory, Oh yeah My Uncle Pete moved in about a month ago since we were going downhill but even now they struggle to keep up with taxes and bills. I open my front door to the empty house, throwing my book bag aside and laying down on the worn out old sofa. "Maybe I am running away from my own problems." I mumble thinking.

{Alex's P.O.V}

It was finally saturday! My weekend away from Jordan. I skipped downstairs in my baggy sweat pants and hoodie and grabbed left over chinese food throwing it into the microwave. "Chinese for breakfast Alex? nice. real nice." My mother snorted smiling at me.

"What its soooo good mom." I say opening the microwave putting my food on the counter grabbing a fork shoving some rice into my mouth. "AWHHH HOHT" I spat the food out back onto the plate fanning my mouth with my hand while my mom poured me a drink.

"Serves you right." She smiled handing me my cup. I pout taking a sip of the ice-tea she got me, "so you talk about your friends alot but I never seen them over? How about you bring them over?" My mother poked my side.

"I dont know, ill see if they want to hang out." I pull out my dinky phone texting Emma, Sasha, and Kyle seeing if anyone wants to hang out at my place. One by one I got replies.

"About time you asked me, text me your address and ill be over in 10. >:3"

"Hell yeah! Can we watch netflix or something ?" ~ Sasha

"Yeah sure, let me finish up this round of black ops though." ~Kyle

I grinned, looking up at my mother I nodded, "they are all coming over now."

She froze, "Now ?!" I nodded looking at us both and the house, "Ill clean you go get changed !!!" She yelled cleaning up. I shoved the rest of the food into my mouth running up the stairs nearly tripping at the top. I put on blue jeans with a green striped shirt, then I fixed my hair with a black beanie and my new glasses. I ran around my room cleaning it then downstairs to see it spotless. "Perfect.." I huffed. I heard dozens of knocks on my door as I knew it was my friends. I open the door to have Emma, Sasha, and Kyle barge in. "Hey!" They said. "Hey !" I smiled. My mom came around the corner smiling, "you must be my baby's friends!" She pinched my cheek. "Mom..." I groaned. "Sorry, you must be Kyle." She pointed to Kyle,"and you Sasha..."she pointed at Sasha," then Emma, Alex talked about you guys alot." She smiled.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Walker." Emma smiled making my mom gush, "to nice!" She left int the kichen.

"Your mom seems cool." Sasha smiled.

"Yeah she is.. How about we head to the arcade?" I grinned holding out a huge bag of quarters. There eyes gleamed with joy as they nodded in usion.
We arrived at the Arcadia-Arcade with many flashing lights and teenagers. We all gazed in awh before entering the huge room with many machines. Emma grinned eyeing a Just dance game, "I challenge thee, To a Just Dance battle!!" She points at me. I smirk, "Your On!"
"Lets face it Alex she beat you fair and square even after the 10th time." Kyle chuckled.

"Fine.." I huffed making my way over to a claw machine. "Im the Claw Machine King!!!" I grinned knowing I can win everytime. "Alright get me that panda!" Sasha pointed to a tiny bear in the back. I moved the claw over the bear closed my eyes hitting the button. When I opened them I saw I had the bear. "Boo-Yah!" I grinned giving Sasha her toy.
After goofing around for awhile Emma pulled us into the photo booth. "Lets take pictures to end the day off!" She smiled, pulling us close. We all smiled, then made silly faces, then posed. We all parted ways to go home after a long day, but instead I went home and brought Alyssa to the park before it got dark. While pushing her on the swing my eyes caught on a certain someone. "Jordan.." I mumbled. "What is it, big brother?" Alyssa looked up at me. "Oh its nothing haha.." I smiled at her swinging on her own now, "Im going to be watching you from that bench okay?" She nodded swinging with all her might. I sat down as my mind drifted into thought, thats when I was tapped. My eyes met with big blue soft ones, it was Jordan. "Are you following me or something nerd." He grunted with a chuckle.

My face went red, " here with my little sister" I hid my red face before he could make a comment. I didnt have to look to know he was grinning, before I could speak his hand was on my chin pulling me into a kiss. My eyes widened, he backed away grinning. "Your too easy to pick on.." He flicked my forehead. "Why?! The hell would you kiss me?!" I yelled, he shrugged with his cocky grin,"because I knew you would get pissed." I shoved him hard running over to Alyssa grabbing her hand. "Lets go home." I weakly smiled.

{Jordan's P.O.V}

I watched from the ground as the brunette darted away from me to what looks like his younger sister. I touched my lips with my fingers remembering his lips, I grinned knowing it will be funny playing around with him. What a complete idiot.

{Alex's P.O.V}

I laid in bed retracing my lips, My face started felt hot, why am I blushing over this guy who is trying to ruin my life. I sighed covering my face in my elbow.  Would he really go that far for a joke...Possibly.

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