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Flip was seated in a very unprofessional manner across from the great intricate desk wherein Bar was posed. Though Flip was wearing a militant uniform, his dark hair was mussed (he'd discarded his hat at some point, and couldn't bring himself to recall where) and he was sprawled in the less-than-comfortable visitor's chair across from his partner. "How much longer are we gonna play at this?" he asked, boredom tinging his voice as he studied one of the various pins upon his jacket.

Meanwhile, Bar was anything but bored. He was on day two of being the General of Russia's military, and having far more fun than he should've been. The best part was, this wasn't even an assignment from LASAR -- it had just happened. He just had that sort of luck, he supposed . . . something his partner was currently displeased with.

Flip would've much rather been climbing the exterior of the building than sitting inside it, pretending to be put-together. 

"Just a little longer," Bar said noncommittally. "After all, we have to report back in to headquarters soon. Though I've gotta say, this feels like a great reward given how well we did on that op."

Flip shrugged at that, though a small smile played across his lips. They had done pretty well on their assignment -- their job had been to collect information on an up-and-coming weapon Russian scientists were building, and they had been beyond successful. They'd found blue prints, a hard drive . . . everything aside from the inventor himself. "Guess so," Flip agreed eventually. He gave his partner a sharp look then. "You'd better enjoy it while you can, Bar," he said. "'Cause I hate this monkey suit, and the sooner I can get out of it, the better."

Bar smiled childishly at that, clasping his hands together on the table. He looked every bit of the classic Russian -- neatly combed hair, bright blue eyes. "Oh I'm definitely enjoying it," he assured Flip. "And I'll continue to . . . until we have to go." He leaned back then, waving a hand, "Go do something to get your energy out. You're killing my fun."

Flip rolled his eyes, but didn't hesitate to get to his feet. "I'll be back before tonight. Try not to get found out before then."

"I would never," Bar joked with a winning smile. "You try to stay out of the news."

Flip returned the smile with a mischievous one of his own. "I'll do my best."

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