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"This is your fault," Gunner said flatly, fixing Major with a glare that would've been more menacing had he not currently been crouched behind a stone wall.

"I believe silence would be best suited for this situation," Major retorted, his eyes closed, his features the model for calm despite the fact that he and Gunner were currently trapped within a severely booby-trapped pyramid, along with a band of unfriendly, armed-to-the-teeth tomb raiders.

Gunner had sort of been hoping they would be the Lara Croft type. They were not.

And because they were not, he and Major were currently stuck. Because the tomb raiders had managed to (accidentally) close the only entrance to the pyramid, via unnoticed booby-trap.

Then again, Gunner and Major hadn't triggered it, so Gunner supposed Major had noticed it and just navigated around it without addressing it.

"Also," Major said, his eyes finally opening, space between his brows creased, "how is this my fault? We successfully entered the pyramid. I am not in charge of dealing with grave robbers."

By some miracle Gunner managed to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "Neither am I!" he hissed. "Seriously, Major, do I look like Indiana Jones to you?"

Major blinked once at Gunner, then twice. Seeming to choose to ignore his inquiry combined with a pop culture reference, he instead glanced down the tunnel which extended deeper into the pyramid. "I have a plan," he said, turning back to Gunner. "But you will not like it."

"Because those are words I love hearing," Gunner muttered. He checked the amount of ammo he had left in his pistol; he hadn't brought any more with him, given it was supposed to be a retrieval op -- not a fight for your lives against tomb raiders and an angry pyramid op. "All right. I have enough to cover us--" given he was an adept shot, and if all else failed, he also had a decent sized dagger strapped to his thigh, "--what's your plan?"

"There are always 'back exits' in pyramids," Major explained. "Contingencies, in case those who created it accidentally set off a trap and entombed themselves before the Pharaoh died. To find it would involve moving deeper into the pyramid, but it would both achieve our goal of retrieving the ankh, and escaping the robbers."

Gunner was silent for a long moment, in part because he was listening to the steps of the raiders as they gradually grew closer. "You're right. I hate your plan."

"Doesn't change the fact that it's our only option," Major pointed out, maintaining a miraculous sense of patience. Despite his quirks and unique mannerisms, he still understood the individual members of LASAR, at least enough where he understood how to deal with each in a combat situation. For example, Gunner experienced light field work, despite his tremendous skill -- situations with life or death tendencies weren't his specialty, but he could manage if he had the right motivation.

He'd grumble and bemoan the entire thing, but he could manage.

Besides, Major knew that just about any human being would go to pretty extensive lengths to ensure they stayed alive. History had proven that time and time again. He was fairly certain the only exceptions to the rule may have been Risk and Rebel . . . though then again, he was also fairly certain that they would exit this life together.

Patterns in history suggested as much when it came to such closely-bonded duos, at least.

"Only chance," Gunner repeated, this time cocking his gun, a stern determination hardening his eyes. "All right. But if I end up stuck with this mummified Pharaoh guy forever," he gave Major a look, "I'm gonna tear you a new one in the afterlife."

"Technically, you would not be ensured passage to the Egyptian afterlife given a lack of ceremony and preparation," Major retorted automatically. He sort of smiled then, before taking a few shuffles toward the tunnel, "However, should we both make it to the afterlife . . . at least I'll have that to look forward to."

With that, Gunner shot up from his position of hiding, right as Major leapt up and grabbed a torch before making a break down the tunnel. Major was a hundred percent positive he heard his companion grumble something about him being a cocky bastard . . . but he was equally positive that he didn't care.

Besides, Gunner could grumble all he wanted; Major couldn't think of another historical site he'd rather be trapped in at that moment.

Well, maybe the maze of catacombs in France. But that was beside the point.

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