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Rebel and Jaguar were on the streets. For all intents and purposes, they appeared to be an heiress and her bodyguard; Rebel was dressed to intimidate, and Jaguar had blood red lips and smoky eyes, in a skin-tight dress that caused every male who laid eyes on her to gape.

They were to be attending a party. Jaguar was to assassinate a mob leader.

Team Alpha was assigned to make sure all of said mob leader's men were not an issue.

Once Rebel and Jaguar arrived at the party, Jaguar was greeted familiarly by business men and government individuals. Rebel bowed out to the outskirts, not straying so far from Jaguar as to cause suspicion. He kept her within his sights all the while, and at the same time began a head count.

The party was held in a spacious, airy building with a high ceiling and large windows on all walls. It was a beautiful, chic room, and the waiters wandering around with champagne and other alcoholic beverages were aptly dressed.

As Rebel orbited Jaguar, he at one point put his hand to his ear, before speaking in crisp French. "How's the view?"

Risk answered automatically from the other side of the comm, her words hushed despite her isolation. Somewhere along the lines of her training she took a liking to high places -- besides, she didn't have the appearance of a bodyguard. And it was all about appearances with these people. "Better than yours, I'm sure."

Rebel cracked the barest of smiles. "I've clocked four men. It seems he packs light for parties."

"Give me the rundown."

The next ten minutes consisted of Rebel detailing each man's description, giving Risk enough time to locate them through her scope.

Meantime, Jaguar was moving toward the mob boss with all of the grace of her namesake; her eyes shone dangerously in the well-lit room, and the tall, well-built man didn't stand much a chance. He took one look at the girl and seemed to be infatuated immediately. From there he bought her a drink, making a show of his own funds, and the two engaged in quiet conversation that Rebel felt it was safe to say he didn't want to hear.

Jaguar paid neither member of Team Alpha any mind. In fact, she operated as though they were not there at all. When the man's bodyguards disappeared mysteriously -- before two shots rang out, punctuated by glass shattering and people shrieking -- Jaguar had already lured the man off to the separate rooms in the building, away from prying eyes and video cameras.

This was a building of high repute, after all. Many men of business and authority enjoyed throwing parties here, and to have video cameras recording the goings on, when so many were prone to affairs, just wouldn't do. It was perfect for Jaguar's assignment, and she executed it without flaw.

No sooner had her mark lain supinely on the bed than did she produce a knife. It took one flawless, well-practiced swipe, and in the same fluid movement she was off him.

He died within seconds, nearly instantly.

And as Team Alpha played their part, worked the crowds, if you will, Jaguar disposed of the body.

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