Chapter 12

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The Love Triangle

Luhan's POV

I've always hated being the third wheel in anything. So don't even bother asking me if I'm okay because I am not. Watching my girl having a date with someone else while I deal with a bald, egg shaped man is like watching Fantastic Four: It's excruciating. Why of all places did that son of a bitch choose this restaurant? I should have brought Luna. She would've been the one talking and I'd be the one over there with my future wife.

I could see Eula smiling like a live sick teenager while Chen talked about something that was probably shit. I wonder how Eula could like such a loser for a friend. Plus, he obviously likes her so why is she even giving him the chance? Unless Eula likes him too.

"Would you like to see the kitchen, Mr. Luhan?" He asked me.

It took all my energy to tear my eyes off Eula and Chen while I faced Johnny with my best business smile. He led me into the kitchen and showed me around while I wondered why it is even necessary to check the place. I just want to buy this restaurant. I don't wanna work in it.

After an hour of tour and exchange of documents, Johnny (I completely missed out his name so I just made one up. He looks like a Johnny to me.) let me off. I immediately made my way to where my duck was and as I approached, I heard a bit of their conversation.

"...then I just realized almost everybody has left the orphanage." Eula said and drank water from her half full glass.

"You know, a month after I was adopted, I remembered asking my mom to come back for you... but," Chen paused. I could see some sort of bitter smile on his face from where I was standing.

"But when she finally agreed to adopt you, the orphanage was already closed and I couldn't find you anymore."

"Which is good because if that ever happened, I wouldn't have met Eula." I stepped in and sat right next to Eula who was then sitting across from him.

"Luhan." Eula looked at me, a bit annoyed but I don't care. Such sweet talk might sway her.

I signaled to a waiter for a wine glass for me then smiled at Chen, who must be shaking scared right now. He should be. I am the so called evil deer around here. I can rip him apart if I want to.

"What are you doing here?" Eula asked.

"This is my new business. I'm buying this restaurant." I kept an eye on the pop star just so he knew I'm drawing the lines here.

"Oh really? No offense but that's a pity. I really liked this restaurant." He said without even batting an eyelash.

What the actual fuck?

"Right now, I have the impression that you are asking for another black eye, popstar." I could feel Eula's stare at me but why should I even stop? He asked for it.

"Chill, dude. What are you going all red about? I just mean that if you buy this place, you'd replace the old crew and probably a bit of the ambiance which I've come to like all these years." His school boy aura is making me sick.

I leaned forward to him and made him look back at me. To my surprise, he stared back with a placid face. I wanted to bring the bad out of him because every man has that. So Eula will see that he isn't any different from the others. But the thing is, Chen's face remained calm for some reason. And it annoyed the fuck out of me.

"Eula told me a few things about you." He smiled at my Eula then continued, "She said you annoy her a lot."

Both of them chuckled. I side glanced Eula who covered her mouth while laughing like it was really funny. Did I miss something?

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