Chapter 1

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Authors note.

So I realized I hadn't posted any pictures of Carson, Jace, or Tyler so I thought I would here. That is Carson above but I may change him because I don't feel that is Carson but I will let you know when I do. Enjoy.


Carson's POV

"He's freaked out. He says he doesn't feel like it was Darren laying there that the wolf he seen was was a lot lighter then what Darren is. I have never heard of a wolf changing their fur's color."

"I haven't either. And there would be no way of getting a wolfs hair dye either. Try to get out of that house without him seeing." David said over the phone. I had been talking to ever since Tyler left for school. Jace went with him because of this guy he doesn't want anything to happen while we aren't there. I felt better about it to but Tyler was pretty annoyed about it.

"Alright we will probably be there in the next day or so."

"Alright see you then."

I hung up the phone and started getting everyone's stuff packed. We had a huge field in our back yard with tree's and a dirt road leading straight to the pack house. In my opinion he was still to close to the house but further away then what we were now. It had me on edge and Tyler as well. Tyler's powers were a lot stronger then mine and Jace's so his gut was probably spot on. I hated knowing we were having to go through this again. I thought this was all over and now Tyler is pregnant again.

'Calm down.' I heard Jace say in my head.

I sighed to myself. 'He's pregnant again and we are having to go through all of this all over again. How am I suppose to be calm.' I said, almost yelling but not meaning to. 'Plus as we speak our kids are at school unprotected.'

'Charlie is there they will be fine. He wouldn't let anything happen to them.'

I shook my head. 'Just tell Tyler to come home I will go pick the boys up. Don't come through the front door come through the back so he doesn't know you are home and finish packing.' I closed the link then grabbed my keys. I walked down the stairs and calmed myself down before walking outside. I didn't want him thinking anything was going on. He would be on high alert if he thought anything serious and we didn't want that. He knew where we were going if he got any wild idea's.

After getting the kids I drove back to the house.

"Dad, what is going on?" Sara asked as we were pulling up to the house.

"I will explain once we get inside. Just do it calmly and don't make it look like anything is going on." I said then stepped out of the car. We all walked inside with the boys behind me bickering about something. I wasn't paying any attention to them I was to worried about what was going on to care. The kids haven't even shifted yet so they were pretty much human how were they suppose to protect themselves if anything was to happen. Tyler is pregnant so him shifting could hurt the baby but he had powers that he could use without shifting and over the years all of us have a lot better control about them. The kids their powers are even greater then ours and me and Tyler have been showing them everyday how to control them. If they use them though and don't know what they are doing they could hurt them and others around them.

"Calm down." I heard as soon as I entered the house. Jace pulled me into a hug making me calm down a little.

"Where is Tyler?" I asked, pulling away.

"He's upstairs packing. I have the truck pulled behind the house and our stuff is already inside. He's packing the kids stuff right now." He said, kissing the top of my head. "I love you." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes and said it back before running up the stairs two at a time. I walked into the boys room and seen Tyler running around at full speed packing all of their clothes. I stepped in front and stopped him. As I did I noticed he was silently crying. I sighed and pulled him into my arms. "We will be alright. We win in the end remember that."

He rolled his eyes. "Doesn't mean we won't lose someone in the process. We lost Jace's dad the first time what if we lose one of our kids or Dave or one of you. I can't do that."

I sighed. "We won't lose anyone."

"You didn't promise that which means you can't because you don't want to break it which means you feel the same way and I can't do this again." He said, sitting on the bed.

I sighed. "We are more ready then we were last time. We have more wolfs to help. We have your side Jace's side, my side to help us get through this."

"This is bigger then last time. What if he had powers of his own we never even considered that last time," he sniffed and sighed, "I can't lose anyone."

"You won't I may not be able to promise that but I will give you my word."


I turned around and little Dave was standing at the door holding his bear. I sighed and went over to him. "Finish packing your stuff we are going to the pack house for a while."

"Who is coming to get us."

I bit my lip and sighed. "Tell your brother and sister to do the same. I will tell you everything later when things calm down."

He nodded then walked away.

I walked back over to Tyler and wiped his face. "Lets get to the pack house and talk about this later okay."

He sniffed and nodded then started helping the boys pack.

I walked into Sara's room and seen her packing. I smiled and walked over. "I know you are more mature then the boys. I know you want to know everything that is going on and you will but right now I need you not to talk about anything with Tyler around. He's worried sick as it is and doesn't need anymore added to it."

She bit her lip and nodded. "Just tell me this. Are we in danger and can I help?" She asked.

"We don't know yet. If we are the way you can help though is keeping your brothers safe. I know what you can do and if anyone you don't know tries to talk to you or your brothers use it. You have a lot more control then your brothers do and can keep the safe better then we can."

She sighed and nodded. "What if you guys get hurt."

"Don't worry about that we will be fine. You and your brothers are my maid concern."

She nodded again. "Just clothes and essentials right."

I nodded, kissed her head and walked out of her room. I walked down the stairs and outside to see Tyler and the boys were already waiting in the truck. I got in next to Tyler and noticed both the boys were already asleep. I smiled then felt something hit the back of the truck. I turned around and seen Jace and Sara. Jace was sitting in the back and Sara was throwing her bag in. Once he did she got in the truck. "Dad said he was going to sit in back and make sure no one was following."

I nodded then started driving towards the house.


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